1. Do You See It Too? (Luciel Choi x Reader)

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707/Luciel Choi
Scene: Soulmate AU, everything is in black and white until you come in physical contact with your soulmate.


Ah, yet another morning. You woke the same as you do every day, bored and still exhausted. And still in this dull black and white world you've lived in. However, you still dragged yourself out of bed and to the shower. You still made yourself a crummy eggs and toast breakfast. You still grabbed your bag and head out to your 7am class.

However, today something was different. You took the same route every day, saw the same people, said the same hello's, but something was different today. As you passed the giant willow, with it's gray trunk and pale leaves, the most noted landmark on your route, you saw someone picking up scattered papers.

You paused. It was very rare for there to be something different in your life. For the 20 years you've been alive, everything went the same. With this rare chance, you stopped dead in your tracks, near the man picking up papers, and offered to help pick them up.

He paused and looked up at you. He straightened his back, and you noted he was only about an inch taller than you. You were about to repeat your offer, but he answered your question quickly when you opened your mouth.
"Uh, sure. Just as you promise not to read any of them?"

His statement sounded more like a question, but you didn't pay much mind. You were about to agree, but he just went back to picking up his papers. So, you found no need for verbal consent, and you started collecting a stack of your own. Thank the Gods there was no wind today.

"Oh, I'm (Y/N), by the way. Nice to meet you...?"

He looked over at you, picking up another paper. He smiled at you, and you felt your cheeks heat up. He had a nice, playful smile that made you smile too.

"Luciel Choi at your service! Nice to meet ya (Y/N)!" He cheered. You laughed and nodded at him then continued to pick up papers.

As you reached for a stray piece of paper, a pale hand followed suite, and brushed against your own. And with that simple, simple touch, your entire world exploded in colour. Bright colours flooded into everything, and you stood up in shock.

The man did the same. When you looked over at him, you took note of his bright red hair and striking yellow eyes. He turned to look at you, holding eye contact. You felt the heat rush to your cheeks, but he just held the same shocked expression.

"Do... Do you see it too? The colours?"
You whispered. You could feel people's eyes on you, but you didn't care. You stared at him, following his eyes with your own as he nodded slowly. You almost dropped the stack of papers in your hands.

You took a step closer to him and passed him the papers, a bright red blush still on your face. He smiled at you in thanks. He opened his mouth to say something, but you cut him off by impulsively smashing your lips into his own. You pulled away quickly, embarrassed.

"Nice to meet ya, soulmate."


Word count: 528 words

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