Chapter 11

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A/n: Lol. I don't know what my past self was thinking buuttt I love how this one turned out. I hope you like it!

Word count- 613 words


No ones POV

Ash heard you scream. She wasn't too surprised, as this happened every night. She went to calm you down like she always did. She burst into the room and found you laying in you while bed hysterically sobbing.

Ash went up to you and noticed something was different. Usually you would start to calm down as you realized it was a dream and Ash entered the room.

"Hey, (y/n), it's okay, it's just a dream." Ash touched your shoulder. You continued to sob starting to shake and wheeze. "(y/n)?" Ash squeezed your shoulder starting to get worried.

You didn't respond, you just continued to cry as your condition worsened. "(y/n)!" Ash yelled, shaking you trying to get your attention. It only seemed to make your already bad condition worse.

"Oh no" Ash whispered. Ash ran to her room and grabbed her phone. As she went to her contacts and scrolled she saw it was 12:41, but she could care less. As she ran back to your room she she only hoped that this would work. She called Johnny.

One ring. Two rings. Three rings. "Johnny pick up the phone!" Ash yelled into the phone hoping it would make Johnny pick up.

He picked it up.

"Ash, it's almost 1-"

"I don't care, get over here now!" Ash yelled into the phone.

On the other end Johnny pulled the phone away from his ear as Ash screamed into it, by now he was concerned. "What is it?" He asked sitting up.

"It's (y/n) she's having a panic attack or something! Hurry and get your ass over here!" Ash yelled into the phone.

"I'll be right there!" Johnny said running down the stairs. He ran barefoot out of the garage. He wasn't even properly dressed just wearing some sweatpants, but he could care less right now. He dove into the truck and started it. He was basically flying down the road. Good thing he knew how to get to everyone's house, because he got there within a minute, good thing Ash lived quite close.

He ran into the house hoping you were okay. He used to have panic attacks as a young child so he hoped he knew what to do.

He ran up the stairs into your room. You were in your bed sitting with your knees up to your chest rocking back and forth as Ash was trying to calm you down. Even Ash had tears rolling down her face as she was your friend and you were having a full blown panic attack. It hurt him a bit to see you like this but he had to help.

"It's real, it's all real" you would say between trying to get breaths and sobbing.

He quickly sat in the bed and pulled you into his arms. You were a mess, sobbing, wheezing, shaking and now hiccuping in his arms.

He did what his mum used to do to him when he was young, he rubbed your back and whispered 'it's ok' over and over again. But it was like you didn't even know he was there. He now didn't know what to do. But he had to help you soon because you weren't breathing very well. He looked at your face and it broke him seeing you like that, he had no clue what to do (lol the rhyme tho). He did the only thing he'd thought would work. And just like that, his lips were on yours.

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