Chapter 8

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Dina POV

Well what did I expect? I woke up with swollen eyes because of crying. I look at the clock beside me deciding to escape or just deal with it. When I decided to escape, here comes Mark. He is standing right at the door leaning against the door frame. "You aren't thinking of escaping aren't you?" he asked. I turn to face the wall instead of his direction. "Come on get up, it's not end of the world yet Dina." He said as I heard footsteps moving closer. "Alright." I said giving up and sit up. "Now go wash up and be presentable." He said and walk out of my room. 

I walk to the bathroom and did what I should. After I'm done I went out for breakfast. Wait a minute I didn't tell him what happen. How did he know is something from school? "Yah, come and eat, not stand there." Mark said. I walk to the dining table and sit down. We ate quietly but I have bunch of question in mind. "How did you know about my problems?" I ask as I can't take silence anymore. "Chanyeol called this early morning." He said and continues eating like it's nothing.

After breakfast we both walk to school since it's not far from where we live. "Hey, I've promise Serine to go shopping with her after school, so would it be fine for you to walk alone and have dinner alone?" he said while walking. Well having dinner it's not new to me but it's new for this life. "If you are not fine I'll let Jackson accompany you." he said quickly seeing me not replying. "It's fine." I said. As we almost reach the school gate I stopped my way. I wasn't ready. Maybe I should say I am not ready. "It'll be alright." Mark said as he out his hand on my back. I don't know what to say so I just nodded and continue walking.

When I walk in everything is normal, the weight on my shoulder seems to lighten a little. "See, I told you, it will be fine." Mark said walking beside me. "Oppa!" Serine called out and running towards Mark. "I guess, I'll get going." I said and walk away before Mark says anything. 

When I reach the classroom door, I didn't dare to open the door. I am not ready to face her. I took a deep breath and put my hand on the door knob but I still couldn't do it. "Dina, open the door." A voice from behind said. I look behind it was Serine and Mark. I sigh and open the door without second thoughts. The classroom was very quiet and there is Jasmine, smiling at me like nothing had happen. I lowered my head and walk to my seat and was greeted by the six members. It will be a long class.

Finally it was break time. I packed my bag and walk out of the class despite Got7 is calling me. I went to the rooftop to clear my mind. It's the only peaceful place I could think of. I sit down on the floor and place the bag beside me. I closed my eyes and let the mild wind caress my face. I was mesmerizing this peaceful moment until someone cleared his throat. I open my eyes and look at that person. He hands me a drink with a fade smile on his face. I kindly took the drink and he sat beside me. 

"You know you look beautiful." He said looking ahead at the beautiful sky.

"I get that a lot." I said looking down and he chuckle. 

"It's nice here, isn't it?" he said. I just nodded. 

"Something is going on right?" he asked. 

I just smile weakly at him. 

"Want to share?" he asked again.

 "Not a big deal, just want to be alone for a while." I answered. 

"Alright." He said and we both stay silent. 

We both comfortably enjoying the silent and looking at the sky. 

"Thank you Jinyoung." I said, breaking the silent. 

"Welcome." He said and smile at me. 

"Let's go before others are searching for you like crazy." He said and we both stand up to go and meet the others.

"Dina! You are here!" Bam bam cheered when we arrive in the cafeteria. "I knew you could convince her." Jackson said excitedly. Jinyoung eyes widen like Jackson shouldn't say anything. Then Jackson realizes that he had said the wrong thing. I just laugh it off, and then they all relax. "Thanks guys." I said and they all gave me this brotherly smile. 

"Dina." A soft voice called me from behind. It was Jasmine. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. When I was about to turn and face her, Mark stopped me. "If you don't treat her as a friend, then just leave her alone." Mark said to her. I look up at Mark; here he is, standing on for me. No, I can't fall, not in this life. I look away and continuing to look on the table. Jasmine hung her head low and walk away. Mark sat down once again and patted on my shoulder as if telling me everything will be fine.

Forbidden Love (Book 2)[Mark Tuan]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora