Chapter 7

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Dina POV

When I arrive at the party house, I was surprise; there are so many SM entertainment idols around. I walk in together with oppa and Baekhyun is nowhere to be found. Where is this birthday boy? "Nana, suite yourself I'll get the boys." Kai said. "Alright." I answer and he left my side.

As I walk in further, I saw this familiar figure standing there. It's Jasmine, my best friend. "Jasmine!" I called her. She turns around. She looks surprise to see me around. "Dina." She said recovering from her surprise expression. "Why are you here?" I ask. It's not like I don't want her here but she didn't tell me. Before Jasmine can answer me the noise of the boys are heard.

"Dina!" Baekhyun oppa engulf me into a hug. "Happy Birthday oppa!" I greeted and he broke the hug. "Jasmine, why are you here?" my brother ask Jasmine when he notice her present. Jasmine quickly links my arm with her. "Dina invited me along." She answered. I was taken a back with her answer. Chanyeol eye her suspiciously. "You didn't tell me, Dina." Oppa look at me. "Sorry I forget." I said, worry to put my friend in trouble. "Its okay, the more the merrier, let's party!" Baekhyun oppa said and they disappear through the crowds.

The whole night I was with Chanyeol, Kai, Sehun and Jasmine. Chanyeol oppa make joke and Sehun keeps saying mean words to Chanyeol while the 3 of us just laugh.

"I don't know why is good to see Nana laugh." Sehun said.

"It's heartwarming, like a brother had achieved its goal to cheer up his sister."Chanyeol said looking at me with the lover look.

"I was lucky enough to have 2 sisters, and lucky Dina is my sister." Kai oppa said proudly.

"I hate you." Chanyeol oppa stated and we all laugh.

"I'll go to the washroom." Jasmine said and left.

"I'll be back really soon." Chanyeol said and follow Jasmine.

What's up with this two?

It made me curious that the both of them weren't back for I don't know how long? "I'll use the washroom." I said, which I decide to check on Jasmine since she's a girl. "Alright." Oppa said.

Then I left, when I was at the middle of the toilet entrance there stands Chanyeol oppa with his hand in the pocket and looking frustrated. As Jasmine standing there challenging Chanyeol oppa.

"Why did you use Dina's name to come?" Chanyeol oppa ask looking directly into Jasmine's eye.

"You know why I'm here." She said.

I know eavesdropping is wrong but I can't help it.

"You know I won't accept you!" Chanyeol oppa said almost shouting.

"Even she is going to get married?!" Jasmine also shouted.

"I'll protect her no matter what, even she is married, I'll give her my everything if she needs." Chanyeol oppa said.

Who are they talking about?

"She's married to Mark, Chanyeol." Jasmine stated.

Are they talking about me?

"Even so," Chanyeol said.

He likes me?

"Why do you think I'm friends with her? It's because of you! I had more way cooler friend then her, she is just nothing. She is just a campus looser that's all. She is well treated just because her brother is Kim JongIn, exo's Kai. If not she's nothing! It's you I'm stuck with her; I want you, why can't you look at me?" Jasmine blurted.

She is using me?

I hope I was never to hear this but I just did.

"Leave her alone! I won't spare a glance to any girl which is not Dina." Chanyeol oppa said.

"Why?" I ask, I wanted a better answer for what Jasmine said.

"Nana..." Chanyeol oppa was surprise to see me. "You heard?" he asked.

My tears can't stop rolling down, my one and only friend wasn't sincerely my friend.

When he tries to come closer to me, I ran away. I ran through the crowds. When I was outside, the city is spinning around me, all the noise frustrates me. I crouch down and let my tears fall. I didn't care how people look at me because it doesn't matter anymore. After few minutes, I stood up and call a cab for myself to go home.

In the cab, after I tell the driver the address, silence took over the atmosphere. Then my phone vibrated.

From: JongIn Oppa

Where are you?


To: JongIn Oppa

Sorry I went home early, wasn't feeling well.


From: JongIn Oppa

Alright, rest well, night darling!


When I reach the house where Mark and I live, I paid the cab and left. When I walk in the door, I was surprise Mark is still awake. His eyebrow meets when he senses something is wrong. When he was in front of me I broke down. I can't hold my tears. In swift action he pulled me into a hug and I cried more. "Everything's alright. I'm here." He said. He brought me back to my bedroom, silence is conquering the atmosphere. Not long after he moved to sit beside me. I lean on his shoulder while his hand wrap around my arm moving up and down making a soothing movement. I felt comfortable. I was glad he didn't ask. But he'll ask anytime, I need to pull myself together. There's school tomorrow, god please help me.

Forbidden Love (Book 2)[Mark Tuan]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon