Learning about a father's past

Start from the beginning

He said he would not hold back and push her to the edge, and oh BOY was he proving he would keep that promise. She sweat, she bleed, and she cried as she was cut, bruised, and had her bones broken. That was the daily routine for the last few months. Despite all that she preserved throughout all of it and kept pushing herself harder. No matter how hard she was pushed down, she would stand back up again and challenge her father once more.

"Wendy." a voice called.

She looked up to see her father relax from his fighting stance.

"You can relax. We're finished for the day."

Wendy sighed before clasping on the ground, exhausted. Naruto walked over to see the poor girl was already sleep due to her exhaustion. Naruto couldn't help but look at his daughter with pride. While he did not pull his punches, he was worried he was pushing Wendy too far. However, he was surprised by the sheer determination that his daughter showed him. No matter how hard he hit her, she just got back up, and was ready for more punishment. Honestly he couldn't be more proud. While she lacked the strength of a dragon, she made it that up by having the heart of one.

Naruto then outstretched his arm with his palm opened out. Suddenly all the blood spilled, basically all Wendy's, began collecting into his palm until a sphere the size of a baseball was in his hand. He licks his lips in anticipation before opening his mouth and devouring the ball of blood. He sighs as the delicious taste of cinnamon and honey went down his throat. Naruto looks down back at Wendy, and chuckles when he remembers the first time he did this in front of Wendy.

It was really entertaining.

[Flashback to a few weeks ago]

"W-W-W-W-W-What?! How did you do that?!" Wendy asked as she saw her father drink her blood like it was just any ordinary fluid to drink. The poor girl looked like she was gonna blow a few fuses in her head.

Naruto looked at her before chuckling in amusement.

"That's right. I haven't told what I am. Guess this is as good a time as any, I suppose." He mused to himself before refocusing on his daughter.

"Remember when I told you that my biology was rather complicated when you asked if you were part dragon, because of me?"

Wendy nodded.

"Well to answer you question from back then. The most basic way to look at me is as a hybrid. I am half-devil/demon and half dragon."

Wendy looked up in surprise. Her father was a demon dragon? That would explain why some of the books she read about her father called him a demon or monster that rose from the pits of heel. Ironic, considering where she is now. But then a thought crossed her mind.

"Is that why you're called the last demon from the books of Zeref? You're a Devil Dragon? Is that why you want to kill Zeref? Because he made you part demon."

Naruto just face palmed.

"For Kami's sake, you have one alliance with that black mage, and it sticks to you for the rest of your existence."

He looked at his daughter.

"To answer your question. Yes, Zeref was the one to turn me into a demon dragon, and that is part of the reason I want to kill Zeref. By my reason for wanting to kill him is more of what happened after he turned me, and not the initial transformation."

Wendy looked at him curiously. "What do you mean?" Naruto sighed before looking at her saddly.

"What I mean is that after I was turned into a demon, I lost all control of my body, and I became a mindless beast. This was made even worst when I went into my dragon form. I slaughtered and destroyed everything in my line of sight. Nothing was safe from my wrath. Friend or foe, it didn't matter. I killed them all. By the time I regained my senses, it was FAR too late. My brethren were all killed. My father was DEAD by my hands. My wife was gone, you had disappeared, Zeref was gone, and the dragon race was done to a trickle. The fighting did not end in a bang, but a wimper."

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