Chapter 22

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He smiled at he a reached for my hand. "I have been dying to here you say that practically forever, I can't explain how happy I am."

"I'm happy too." I smile back. I love him but I have this hint of regret when I said 'I love you' but I only have five days left with him.

We stopped at mcdonalds and got some food before hitting the road again. we had to walk a lot because we ditched our ride. after what seemed like hours we got back to school class was already half way over.

We decided not to go to school. Niall took me to the park and we layed there for hours.

Lots of stars started to pop up but only a few were really bright.

"Look how bright that star is." I point and Niall laughs

"I bet that's never land." I turn too him remembering watching Peter Pan with him. And how Ben showed up and ruined everything. Ben never wanted to watch the movie with me he said it was childish. Why do I keep thinking about Ben.

"I wish we could just run away to never land." Niall says

"I wish we could too." I say staring at the star.

"It's cold." I say a couple minutes later.

"Wanna go?" Niall asks getting up.

"Yeah let's go." I say not wanting to go. I know if we don't go soon it will just get harder to leave.

"Want to go to your house?"

"No let's go to yours" I smile. He looks back at me with a confused look.

"Are you sure?"


We drive about ten minutes before we pull up to a small house with dimmed lights on the wooden porch.

"Home sweet home" he says breaking the silence.

We walk up to the door and Niall opens it. when I walk in a cinnamon aroma hits me.

A woman comes out of what looks like the kitchen.

"Niall, dear you brought a girl home." her voice is soft and sweet.

"Hi mom, this is Aimme."

"Hello dear I'm Maura Niall's mother."

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." I say and smile. I don't know why but I feel nervous. Niall wraps his arm around me again which calms me down, even though I shouldn't be needing to be calmed down.

"Mom we're going to be in my room" he says while leading me through a small hallway.

"Do you think she likes me?" I ask anxiously which makes Niall chuckle. he opens a door and let's me in.

"This is my room." He says "it's not much but it's a room." It was small with a small bed and a lot of boxes. I frowned at the boxes. I liked Niall's room a lot it smelled like his cologne which made me happy because I think he smells good.

"I love it, I just don't like the boxes."

he laughs as I go sit on his bed and he joins me.

"I don't want you to leave."

"I don't want to leave, I don't want to leave you." he said a takes my hand. I'm going to miss him so much. he looks at me and I look at him. I feel water at my eyes.

"Don't cry Aimme, please. You'll only make me feel worse for leaving." tears start falling down my cheeks. My heart hurts so much. I can't even deal with it.

Niall pulls me in for a hug and I hug him back tightly. There's so many moments I want to pause and I can't which makes life even harder. I pull away from the hug and lay down and cover my self with his blue sheets. I felt at home in them.

Niall's mom knocked on the door and told us it was time for dinner and offered me to joined them. I accepted and it was a nice dinner with his family.

I never have family dinners any more my family always has separate plans. This was fun.

After dinner I was helping Niall's mom out with the dishes while Niall was watching soccer with his dad

"so how long have you and Niall been dating?" His mom asks

"Actually Niall and I aren't dating." I say as my cheeks flush.

"Oh but you like each other, I can see it in your eyes" she said.

"What do you mean?"

"The way you look at each other. It's something! It's a look I've never seen Niall have. It's love." she smiled. I looked at the tv room to see Niall watching the game. he looked happier than I've seen him in a long time. I was happy too.

We finished up before Niall came in

"Mind if I steal her mom?" he asked

"Sure honey" she smiled and Niall took me back to his room.

"What did she tell you? Anything embarrassing?" I laughed at his question.

"No it was all safe don't worry, just some girl talk."

"Oh okay" he said. I jumped into his bed and went under the covers.

"What are you doing?" he smiled.

"I want to keep this bed. it's comfortable." I smiled back and he giggled he climbed into the bed with me and wrapped his arms around me.

"wanna watch a movie?" He asked.

"Peter Pan" I said as he got up to get it. He also pulled a t shirt from a box and tossed it at me.

"Here put this on it's more comfortable." I was excited to put his shirt on because I was longing for a piece of him. What am I going to do when he's gone? he went outside to go grab the movie and I changed quickly.

When he came back I was excited but I was tired so when we got to the part where Wendy jumps off the plank and Peter catches her, I dosed off.


The next morning I woke up with Niall's arms around me. Why, why we're they taking him away from me why?

He woke up suddenly

"Hey sleepy head." I said hugging him under the covers then realizing her had no shirt on. I blushed but still brought my self close to him. he smiled at me. I wouldn't trade waking up next to Niall for any thing nothing is better then his smell, his bed, his smile, him. I've never been this close to him before

"Niall the moving guys are here to take your stuff!" and I probably will never be again.

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