Chapter 7

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As I walk into 1st period I see my sister as flawless was always with a perfect outfit, as always. I took a seat next to my friend Niall. "Hey Aimme"..... He keeps talking and my mind drifts off. Home room is boring and too make it worse Niall keeps talking and boring me more. About 7 minutes later he starts waving his hand in my face.

"Aimme?" "Aimme are you there?" Niall asked. I was mesmerized by the perfectly tight golden ringlets upon my sisters head. "Oh yeah sorry I was just thinking." His eyes meet mine and drift to Scarlett's hair.

"About Scarlett's hair?" He laughs which makes me laugh. "Yeah I guess so." So anyways.." He continues to talk and the door opening startles me. "Mr. Carson you are late do you have an excuse" he half smiles and hands her, a nurses pass.

He walked to his seat and when he turns around I can see his face filled with pain. Not emotional pain physical pain I look down to his hand and he has a white cast on. I hope he's ok!

Wait why am I worrying if he's ok? 'because you like him' my mind says. She's right I really do like him. "Aimme!" I'm startled again but this time by Niall. "Yeah?" I reply attentively.

"Do you want to sit lunch.....with, me?" He askes shyly. "Oh um sure that'd be cool" I smile. He looks relived. Niall is really nice and sweet, he's also kind of cute! The bell rings and Niall disappears and I pick up my things.

As I get up out of my seat I bump into a tall figure. When I look up my cheeks flush and my heart flutters. It's Ben, I've been thinking about him all day. He just hasn't left my Mind "sorry" I say. "No it was my fault." He interjects "I wasn't looking." He smiles his beautiful smile then walks away leaving me standing there like a fool.



It's 4th period and time for lunch as I walk to lunch I conversate with Dylan. "she's totally single and ready to mingle" I smile a huge and warm smile. "Are you sure?" He says uneasy. "Last time you said she was into me she started dating Ben." He adds, my heart pounds at the name of Ben. I really do like him. When we got to the lunch room.

I hear someone call my name. My heart pounds even faster. As if its going to beat right out of my chest. It's Ben calling me over to sit with him. "Dyl she will go out with you trust me." I say before walking towards Ben as I get closer I also get more nervous with each step.

"Sit with me." He says demanding but still oh so sweet and soft it's like music to my ears. "Sure" I say dumbfounded. And sit down and stare at him and his sparkly eyes. Bright blue that electrify you with every glance. "So" he says quietly. "I want to ask you something."

Could he be asking me out again? a little piece of me hopes. If he is this time I wont be an idiot and say no. "Yes?" I finally say but when I do a blond person sits a couple seats down from the person in front of ben loudly. My heart breaks, it's Niall by himself!

I try to get his attention by waving him over but I think he's trying to ignore me. "Niall!" I call. I look over at Ben who looks confused. Niall's eyes met mine. He had the look Ben always had when I rejected him sadness, hurt, disappointment, but most of all pain.

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