Chapter 14

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When I wake up I'm still on the couch sleeping with Niall he's sleeping too. I lay my head on his chest and close my eyes but before I doze off into sleep there's a hard pounding at the front door and it makes Niall jump "what, what happened?" his voice is uneasy as he rubs his eyes to look around. He's just so adorable it hurts. I smile and get up to answer the door.

"There's someone here." I say as I open the door. "Aimme why haven't you been answering my calls." the person at the door was Ben. "I called you like fifteen times!" I roll my eyes as he lets himself in. "why is he here?" Ben points at Niall while giving him the most dirtiest look I've seen ever. "I thought you liked Niall aren't you guys good friends?" I whisper to Ben. Ben thinks for a minute and walks over to Niall. "of course we are, come here buddy" he says while he hugs Niall. Bipolar much! "hey man, look guys it's getting late I'm going to head out."

I nod sadly, as he gets up and walks to the door. "bye Aimme." he says while hugging me quickly but tightly. When he closes the door behind him Ben walks over to the living room "what the hell is this Aimme!" he yells making me jump "why was he here, what we're you doing, why haven't you been answering my texts or calls." "I-I my phone was in my room. I didn't know you were going to call me."

"We're you cheating on me Aimme! Is that what this was. oh my god you were."

"No Ben I would never cheat I promise. Please Ben please believe me." my eyes are starting to get watery and that sounded really weak.

"Aimme you better swear on your life you weren't cheating on me."

The tears were streaming down my face now. "Aimme now!"

"I swear Ben I swear!" I sob.

"I need some air." he said as he left me standing there numb, sad, devastated, and hurt.

Nothing hurts more then being dissapointed by the single person you thought would never hurt you.

I walk up stairs sadly and lie on my bed and sob loudly into my pillow hoping my sister doesn't come home.

*bens pov*

Aimme gets me so mad sometimes it's not even worth it. Im not overreacting because she would feel the same if the roles were switched.

As I get into my car my phone buzzes. could it be aimme. no it's Mackenzie

*hey cutie wanna hang*

I don't really want to hang with someone who flirts with there best friends boyfriend but I'll do anything to get my mind off all this

*sure what do you want to do*

Maybe this is a bad Idea maybe I should just cancel on her. actually it shouldn't be. if Aimme can hangout with my best friend without me I can do the same

*lets go rollarskating :)*

*ok I'll meet you there*

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