20 Shameful

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I was in class the other day and a teacher called me out for saying fuck, which is fair enough, but boys in the same class were making rape jokes and the teacher didn't say a word. 

The word fuck originated in the early 16th century possibly from and Indo-European root meaning "strike" shared by Latin pugnus "fist". 

So if Fuck originally meant strike or fist why is it frowned upon now?

Society shames such words and people use swear words; like fuck, to show they are rebels, that they don't apply by the rules or the law. 

Fuck isn't the only thing people use to show this, sometimes they use violence or rape. Rape is seen as a dirty word, because the act itself is too hard for some people to think about. 

We shame the criminal for committing rape but we also shame the victim for not speaking about rape and letting rape become a dirty word.  Just because the criminal is in jail doesn't mean the victim's trauma  disappears. 

Now if I had said rape before instead of fuck, the teacher probably wouldn't have said anything to me, but she would most likely of thought badly about me, that I was a shameful person. 

So if the word fuck and rape are both shamed upon why is only one called out on?

Why do we only ever stop one? 

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