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I'm alone in the darkness. I'm falling and no one is there to catch me. Then I feel a warm embrace and I immediately know who it is.

I have never seen his face before, but I know what he wants. He whispers in my ear "give in to all your sin's."

It is then I realize I'm holding on to rope, and the rope is made up of words. As I read the words I soon realize those words are all my sins I have ever committed.

As I read them, I'm horrified of things I have done. I think to myself, "did I really do this, could I really do these things," but I know they are true.

I know the answers to my questions and that is what is so horrifying.

It is tempting to let go and give in, fall into that cruel world I have once been before; but then in the distance I see a light and a figure I know well.

Again I have never seen his face or heard his voice, but I know why he is here. He is not here to tempted me, he is here to save me. After all the things I have done, he still finds faith in me, still loves me.

He watches over me and cares for me when no one else dose. He gives me faith just be showing he cares and I won't let that faith and that hope he has in me slip away.

I grip tight to the rope and pull myself up towards the light, towards the figure. As I grow closer to the light and the darkness seems to fad away; along with the dark creature that lingers in it's deepest darkest parts of that nightmare.

I see a hand, I reach out for it like my life depends on it; it pulls me up and bright light blinds me. 

I wake up in my bed with a cold sweat, I look at my alarm clock it reads 4:06am. I look out my window and I can see the sun just awakening from the its sleep.

I reflect on my dream and I know that he saved me. He came to my rescue when no one else did, once again he saved me from drowning in a world far worse than the one I'm living in now.

I have visited that world once before and I never want to go back. I was once a prisoner in a sinful world and now I am free, but for how long?

(Its the story about a person struggling with the devil and being saved by God. When it says "I have visited that world before," it is talking about how the person had a near death experience but survived. When it says "I am free, but for how long?" means when will they actually die for good, when god won't save them.) 

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