The Dragon Lands- Dark Visions

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Dusk: *to Twilight* What about the dragons? We can send Starlight and Stellar to the Dragon Lands!

Twilight- *smiles* They would totally hit it off with Ember and Torch!

*the others smile calmly*

Dusk- *smiles calmly* *makes them transparent in the Dragon Lands*

*Ember and Torch are sitting on a ledge quietly*

Starlight/Stellar: *surfer dude like* Ember! Torch!

Ember/Torch: *walks proudly* Starlight! Stellar!

Starlight, Stellar, Torch and  Ember: [grunt]

Princess Ember: *smirks* You guys ready to do some death-defying dragon stuff?

Torch- *crosses arms and smirks*

Starlight/Stellar: *smirks* Ah, totally!

Spike/Barbra: *looks at Dusk unamused* Okay, that doesn't sound anything like Ember, Torch, Stellar or Starlight.

Dusk: *sighs calmly* Who knows what their dynamic would be?

Glare- *looks at Dusk oddly* You ok?

Dusk- *smiles calmly*Of course...

*different dragon events occur*

*they're all on top of the dragon lands*

Spike/Barbra: [gasps in shock and taps on the sky] Freaky.

Twilight Sparkle: *looks at them* Starlight and Stellar will love it in the Dragon Lands. In their letters, Ember and Torch said dragons do a lot of fun things. The Feast of Fire, the Dragon Bowl, Claw-chella.

Starlight/Stellar: *riding the dragon lord and lady* Whoo! [laughs]

*everyone looks in disapproval*

Sunset/Glare- *arches eyebrow* Not that I hope...

Twilight: *concerned* Starlight and Stellar could be there for a really long time.

Dusk- *realizes and facepalms* But then again, not all dragons like ponies as much as Ember and Torch does.

Garble: *sees them* Hey, Twinkle Star!

Girdle- Hey, Light Year!

Starlight: *smiles nervously* It's, uh, Starlight Glimmer and Stellar Gleam.

Garble/Girdle: *confused* Star-kle Light-star?

Starlight/Stellar: *unamused* Starlight. Glimmer and Stellar Gleam.

Garble/Girdle: *rolls eyes* Yeah, whatever. *smirks* You wanna hang with us?

*they grab Starlight and Stellar and jump off a cliff*

Starlight/Stellar: *looking down worriedly* What are we diving into?

Garble/Girdle: *smiles* Lava!

Starlight/Stellar: *panicked* What?!

Spike/Barbra: *looks at him* Dusk, this is crazy!

Dusk- *turns them back* *blinks* Sorry I just...spaced out *clears throat*

Spike: *to them* They're really good with magic.

Barbra- *concerned* They could just stop themselves from falling into a pit of lava.

Twilight: *worried* What if they didn't realize it was happening?! You just never know!

Dusk- *closes eyes and massages his temples with his wings* We just need to think of someplace safe to send them!

(Queen Oscura- *alluring tone* For what...they're not worthy of you...)

Dusk- *snaps his eyes open to see that he's in a void of darkness with Oscura nuzzling him from behind* *looks in fear* No...

(Queen Oscura- *kisses his cheek* Yes, my...King)

Dusk- *sees different memories of the dark throne and Sombra and Oscura and Tartarus while breathing rapidly in worry* *realizes that he's in the throne room*

Glare- *concerned* Dusk, is something wrong?

*everyone looks at him in concern*

Dusk- *smiles at them with shrunken eyes* Just thirsty...*teleports him a glass of water and drinks it* *teleports the glass away* Better...

Sunset- *thinks* You guys said that Starlight and Stellar reconnected with their friends in the Crystal Empire right?

Twilight/Dusk- *smiles* Of course...*they look at the empire*

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