Discord, Eris, and The Mane/Colt 5

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*back at the party the Mane 5 and Colt 5 are talking with Discord and Eris*

Fluttershy/Butterscotch: *happy* Oh, boy!

Discord/Eris: *to them* Whatever Twilight and Dusk are planning for Starlight and Stellar is going to be so exciting!

Applejack: *concerned* Hmm. Wonder why they didn't tell any of us about it.

Discord/Eris: *smirks* Probably because you're not as close as you think you are.

Rarity- *scoffs* Oh! Pff. Kch. Ts! *smirks at Discord and Eris* Please, darlings considering we've all been through a lot there's absolutely no way we're all not close...

Applejack- *smirks* Yeah, we're like family to each other*

*the others nod in agreement*

Both- [laughs] Just kidding. *grins* They wanted it to be a big surprise. Just between us, they're getting ready to make a big announcement!

Pinkie Pie: [squeals] That's so exciting! *thinks* And surprising.

Bubble- *thinks* Usually, you tell your party planners about all your plans for your party.

Rainbow Dash: *smirks* Well, they definitely have one.

Blitz- *smirks* Yeah, I mean when has Twilight and Dusk not had a plan?

*the others nod in agreement*

Eris- *grins* Ooh, speaking of them again, we have a question for you all

Discord- Nothing personal mind you...

Mane 5/Colt 5- *looks at them* Ok...

*meanwhile Luna, Artemis, Cadence, Bolero, Shining, and Gleaming are talking with each other*

Luna- *calmly* So how are Flurry Heart and Fluffy Cloud doing?

Cadence- *smiles* They're doing great

Gleaming- We're having the guards watch over them while we're here...

Artemis- That's good to hear...

Shining- *concerned* Chrysalis and Metamorphosis are still out there and they made it perfectly clear that they won't stop at nothing until they get to Twilight and Dusk...

Bolero- *admits* We know they can take care of themselves....but just to be safe...

Discord/Eris- *smirks while next to them* Why don't we hand them over to Chrysalis and Metamorphosis?

*everyone stops and it goes silent as they look at Discord and Eris*

Discord/Eris- *starts laughing* Just kidding!!! You all should see your faces. Priceless!!!

Everyone- *glares at them* Discord!!! Eris!!!

Discord/Eris- *smirks* Lighten up... *creates strobe lights and a light up dance floor* *tangos on the dance floor* It's a party!!!! Olay!!!!

Fluttershy/Butterscotch- *giggles*

*everyone else rolls their eyes*

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