The Pink Hearts of Courage

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*everyone is gathered in the main room where Celestia, Solaris, Luna, Artemis, are standing across from Twilight, Dusk, Sunset, Glare, Spike, Barbra, Thorax, Hive, Discord, Eris, Trixie, Trixter, Starlight and Stellar with 14 pink jeweled hearts*

Celestia: *graceful tone* We are here to commemorate Princess Twilight Sparkle, Prince Dusk Shine, Sunset Shimmer, Sunset Glare, Spike, Barbra, Starlight Glimmer, Stellar Gleam, Trixie, Trixter, Thorax, Hive, Eris and Discord who were brave in the face of danger, resourceful when circumstances were challenging, and proved that the bonds of friendship, no matter how unlikely, are stronger than any adversity.

Solaris- *graceful tone* By stopping Queen Chrysalis, King Metamorphosis, King Sombra, and Queen Oscura not only did they save Equestria; they set the changelings free from their reign.

Discord/Eris: *teleports in the crowd with flags and foam fingers* Go, Discord! Go, Eris!!Yahoo! [laughs]

Starlight/Stellar: [giggles]

Trixie/Trixter- *rolls eyes unamused*

Spike/Barbra- *happily looks at Thorax and Hive*

Thorax/Hive- *nuzzles them calmly*

Twilight/Dusk- *look away slightly at the mention of Sombra and Oscura*

Sunset/Glare- *puts a hoof on each of their shoulders* *smiles calmly*

Luna: And that's why we're proud and honored to give them the Equestrian Pink Hearts of Courage!

[cheers and applause]

*they all bow respectfully*

Artemis- *levitates the hearts on everyone's neck except for Thorax and Hive where he struggles fitting in over their horns*

Thorax/Hive- *looks in concern*

*everyone watches in concern*

Pinkie/Bubble: *grins* Yeah! *grimaces*Oh. Uh, no. Not quite. *grins* Uh... all right. There it is!

Artemis- *gets them on* *lightly sweating* *regains composure*

Pinkie/Bubble: *grins* Yay!

Twilight/Dusk: *nods to Celestia and Solaris calmly*

Celestia/Solaris- *nods* And now, Princess Twilight and Prince Dusk would like to say a few words...

[cheers and applause]

Mane 5/Colt 5- *cheer happily*

Twilight/Dusk- *smiles calmly and walks up* *clears throats*

*everyone quiets down*

Twilight- *sincerely* As Princess Celestia said we are gathered here today to commemorate the defeat of Queen Chrysalis and King Metamorphosis...but we are also here today to commemorate these individuals who with major differences came together to stop powerful adversaries...

Dusk- *sincerely* Ironically, most of them started out as...our adversaries...

Mane 5/Colt 5- *nods in agreement*

Twilight- *sincerely* But through the bonds of different friendships they learned to let go of their past mistakes...

Dusk- *sincerely* For example, Discord and Eris were the Lord and Lady of Chaos, who wanted nothing more than to rule Equestria in disharmony and disarray...

Twilight- *motions for Fluttershy and Butterscotch to join them* But not until they met their first friends Fluttershy and Butterscotch who truly gave them a chance at friendship

Fluttershy/Butterscotch- *smiles at Discord and Eris*

Discord/Eris- *smiles sincerely at them and holds their hooves*

Dusk- *sincere* Thorax and Hive started out as changelings who desired friendship due to us fending off the changelings at the wedding and Spike and Barbra gave them that said friendship and thanks to them...

*everyone applauds for Spike and Barbra*

Spike/Barbra- *blushes*

Thorax/Hive- *smiles warmly at them*

Twilight- *breathes* Trixie, Trixter, Starlight, and Stellar each had difficult pasts for their actions and all found genuine compromise in each other...(I'm about to regret saying this...) ...even though me and Dusk did not...and we were wrong about Trixie and Trixter...

Dusk- *silent* *looking at Trixie and Trixter*

Trixie/Trixter- *smiling innocently*

Twilight/Dusk- (Sheesh...) *sincere smile* *turns to Sunset and Glare* Sunset Shimmer and Sunset Glare please, step forward...

Sunset/Glare- *reluctantly steps forward*

Twilight- *sincerely* Now, Sunset Shimmer and Sunset Glare were the former protégés of Princess Celestia and Prince Solaris before myself and Dusk Shine, they wanted nothing but that's what they got...

Dusk- *sincere* They stole the Element of Magic and tried to use it's magic tore them apart

Sunset/Glare- *ears slightly flatten*

Twilight- *looks at them* But since then...they have showed us the qualities of a true leader and friend...our friends

Sunset/Glare- *smiles calmly*

Twilight/Dusk- *turns to them all and bows gracefully* We both owe you all a debt of gratitude for saving our friends, family, and our lives...*looks at them sincerely* We couldn't have done this without any of once again we thank you...

*they all bow to them*

*everyone applauds happily*

Starlight/Trixie/Trixter/Stellar- *look at their medals happily and grin at each other*

Spike/Thorax/Hive/Barbra- *smiles at each other*

Discord/Eris- *hugging Fluttershy and Butterscotch happily*

Luna/Artemis/Celestia/Solaris- *smiles calmly*

Twilight/Dusk- *calmly smiles and looks to see that their medals are black than pink* *blinks in worry* *sees that they're pink* *smiles nervously at the others*

Sunset/Glare- *notice them and look at each other in concern*

Celestial Advice My Version Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora