Chapter 6: Dougal Withdraws

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My godfather pulled me aside the followin' morn as I saddled Donas, and loaded op my victuals and such as needed for my journey to Lallybroch.

"What's amiss?"

Murtagh placed his hand opon my shoulder. "Before ye go, lad, ye might be interested to ken as Dougal has changed his mind 'bout marryin' the Sassenach."

"Is that so?"

"Aye. It seems as Fitz told him as Mistress Beechum is wi' child. Leastways, Dougal wants you and our kin to hear what he has to say 'bout the matter. We're to meet one hour hence in the assembly hall."

My mind was awhirl wi' this new development. Claire was wi' child? Why did she no tell me sooner? I expect she had her reasons, ye ken, but what they could be, I couldna tell.


Most o' my kin were standin' 'bout, awaitin' Dougal's declaration. He stepped op to the dais, pattin' his hand in the air, attemptin' to quiet all the murmurin' amongst us. "Why, ye may ask, have I've asked ye all to come here t'day? Weel, some o' ye may remember as I announced my intention to marry Mistress Beechum. I am now renegin' on that statement. I've had it on good authority that the same lass is wi' child. Sorry to say, I'll be takin' her to Fort William, and wash my hands o' her."

Rupert asked, "Doesna that seem harsh, Dougal? Ye ken what Black Jack may do to her."

"Och ... I didna come to Leoch, wi' but the clothes on my back, and nay sensible explanation as to how I came to be in the woods that day. I canna protect her any longer, and I refuse to marry a lass as carryin' someone else's bastard. How do I ken as the child is o' her husband? I dinna e'en ken as she had a husband, only by her say so. She's lied afore, and the wench may lie 'bout this as weel.

"If anaone can think o' another way to save the lass, speak op now, or off she goes to Fort William to meet her fate."

Mutterin' spread thru the crowd. "Weel then, is there anaone here who's brave enuff to wed this woman?"

The mumurin' got a bit louder. I couldna wait a minute longer. My heart beat faster, and I stepped forward. "I will."

Murtagh tugged on my sleeve to pull me back, yellin', "He doesna ken what he's sayin'."

Dougal pointed at me. "Are ye certain, lad?"

I took a deep breath. "Aye. I'll do it."

Lookin' concerned, my godfather said, "I ken as ye love her sorely, Jamie, but this is a risk o' yer happiness, and yer future. Ye'll be givin' yer own name to the bairn."

"So be it."

I smiled at the man, thankful o' his love for me. "Dinna fash, Murtagh. I couldna live wi' myself, if I let Randall have her. I canna imagine what that dog has in mind for the lass."

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