"If you don't want me to read it, I won't. However, you know me and I will read it regardless."

I smile on a small shake of my head. "You're so considerate to me, aren't you?"

"Always am. Always will be."

I laugh and look at my gran as she mutters things to herself at the fridge. She very kindly did a food shop for me earlier without me asking her to and even put everything away. That was the only time she fought against me because I wanted to at least put everything away but she was having none of it. She likes taking care of her grandchildren and you can't fault her on that one bit.

"You got everything you need?" My gran asks, her eyes scanning the fridge over and over again before closing the door and looking at me. "I got you some of those instant coffee sachets for a change."

"I think you got me everything." I smile and give her a hug. "Thank you."

"Not a problem, darling. It got your grandpa out for a bit which I was happy about." She picks her bag up from the worktop and moves to the hall. "He only cares about that goddamn shed he and your dad have built. I swear, it's a good thing he has a place to go and relax without bothering me but he never leaves it which is why I had him drive me here."

I narrow my eyes at her. It's not like my grandpa to come all this way to London and not come up to see me. He's normally the first one through the door when he comes but for him to be here and not come to see me, there's something going on. "Is he really down in the car park?"

"What? Of course he is!" She says swiftly.

I lean against the worktop and glare at my gran.

"He is!" She says loudly.

"Gran, really?"

She sighs and rubs her forehead with her fingers. "He just doesn't like seeing his first born granddaughter in a bad place. It makes him angry because he can't change it. It also angers all your uncle's, too."

"Now I know where Declan gets his anger issues from," I murmur.

"Yeah, your dad and uncle's get it from your grandpa who gets it from his dad and so on."

I nod with wide eyes and fold my arms over my chest. "I may have a touch of that anger, too."

"But you're allowed to be angry, Kaylee. Luca was the guy who once said that the only girl he could see himself having children with was with you. Plus, he did say he wouldn't have them out of wedlock."

"And clearly that statement changed because he had a child with someone who wasn't me and out of wedlock."

"She's angry because he didn't have a kid with her," Chloe chimes in.

"I don't want a child, Chloe." I tell my sister without looking at her. "I don't need a child." I inhale deeply. "I'm just angry that someone who was always a man of his word has changed into someone who finds lying easy."

"You can't hide from him for the rest of your life, Kaylee. If you love him, which I know you do, you can see past his mistakes and all his lies and give him a second – or third – chance."

"She shouldn't need to do that," Chloe says.

"If she truly loves him, she will look past all the things he has done and move forward together as a couple who can face anything together."

Chloe doesn't respond to our gran's statement because she's right. If I do truly love Luca, and I do, I should be able to move past all of this and makes things work properly. I just can't do that and I don't know why. There's something stopping me from wanting to move forward and I can't quite put my finger on it. It's something big but with Luca, everything I'm questioning is something big. It's just hard to pin point what it is.

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