For once, I think I might agree with Lance, He thought with cheeks that were tinted just slightly pink.

°•《Gemini P.O.V.》•°

I opened my eyes slowly. When I did, I was surprised to see that I wasn't in the pod. What looked like blue glass lifted in front of me and I stepped out.

I was exausted and sore, which caused me to almost fall out of whatever I was in. I caught myself and looked around and noticed I was no longer in the black body suit and instead a white and blue one.

Behind me, I saw a white chamber of some sort, which closed and sank into a hole in the floor. I gasped lightly when a person fell on the ground after the chamber dissapeared. He grunted as his head hit the floor. Then he stood up, groaning and rubbing his head. His hair was a deep raven and his skin was olive. He was slightly taller than me and was skinny but still built with a bit of muscle. Not frightening at all, yet my hands were still shaking.

"Um, h-hello?" I asked with a raised brow, unsure if his intentions. He turned towards me and his eyes widened for a moment.

"Oh, your awake," he said. He seemed tired and annoyed. "I'm Keith and this is the altean castle. We picked up your distress signal and got you out of that escape pod. What's your name?"

"I don't know," I said, noticing that he obviously didn't trust me. Which was fitting, I didn't exactly trust him either. After what happened on the other ship, how was I supposed to know his intentions. I thought for a moment, realizing I had no other options. "You said there were others?"

"Yeah, follow me."

We walked for what seemed like forever in complete silence before we finally met a door that slid open as Keith approached it. Inside sat 4 others, a female with a pair of circular lenses that sat on her nose, a round male with an orange ribbon wrapped his head, and two other males. One with brown hair and tan skin and then another with a white fringe and a familiar looking arm.

After the door shut Keith announced my awakening. "She's up," he says before jumping over the large round couch and crossing his legs as he sat down. The man with a similar arm to mine stood up and walked over to me and reached his hand out.

"I'm glad you're up. My name's Shiro. What's yours?" He asked with a reassuring smile. I took a step back before hesitantly shaking his hand, which mirrored my own.

"I-I don't know," I answered, staring at his hand for probably too long. He crossed his arms.

"Well is there anything you can you think of that we could call you for now?" He asked with a friendly smile.

"Um, well-the guards and the crowds would call me 'Gemini' after fights," I said, still not fully comfortable.

"Fights?" The big one asked. I turned towards him with an emotionless expression. "Yes, I fought monsters to be tested on my strength and ability," I explained.

The tan one approached me and wrapped his arm around me. "Forgive me for interupting sweetheart, but do you have a first aid kit? I think I scraped my knee falling for you," he stated which was followed a grin and a wink.

Do it, one of the voices said as it seemed to have noticed my discomfort.

I quickly grabbed his head, pushed it down and thrusted my knee upward into his stomach. He started to bend over forward but I grabbed him by the ear and pulled him back up to my level.

"Sorry, but i'm not interested. And don't ever call me that again, understood?" I sneered and felt my eye twitch. He breathed out a 'Yes' with the little oxygen left in his lungs. I let him go and he immediately fell to the ground next to my feet.

I quickly gained back control, a wave of dizziness splashed into my head and I shook it in attempt to make it go away. I gasped seeing 'Lance' groaning in pain.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that, I swear. Are you okay?" I asked helping him up.

"Okay? Babe, I'm in love." I dropped him and looked up to see that everyone had taken a step back.

"Yeah, I'd say Gemini fits," the big one spoke up again with a voice crack.

1,261 words this time. Yeet.


Also, if you didn't see the message I put on my profile, i'm accepting requests for making covers. So like, if you write something and you wanna post it but don't have a cover, hmu.
(Having a good cover will help get more reads!!!)

Thanks for reading!!! Hope you liked it, respectful critique is appreciated!!

Have a good day/night!


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