"Take this darling, and you shouldn't have to worry about a thing". The nurse said.

With out a second guess she downed the pill and let out a small smile.

"I wanna go home". I whined

"Let's go". Geoff said.


We arrived home to see Awsten and Jenna both on the ground.

"What the hell happened here?" I said laughing.

"Have to been on Twitter recently?" Awsten asked.

"No what happened?" I said

"Geoff's ex girlfriend went to crazy town and hacked Geoff's Twitter." He said

I saw Geoff pat himself down and scrolled through his phone he held the phone to his ear till the ringing stopped.

"Chloe what the fuck are you doing". He said

I looked at him in a confused way.

"That's his ex I guess ". Awsten said pulling me down.

"You need to stop, yelling other people by me can here you". He said.

"Let me talk to her". The voice yelled.

"Don't say bull shit Chloe". He said to the phone.

"Hello?" I said softly.

"What the hell are you doing with your life spending your days with a cheater, lying, scum bag, cunt". She said

"Oh I uh, I'm sorry he did that to you". I said.

"A little inside honey, check your Twitter he's in two relationships he just has you as a quick fuck, do you'r research before you get attached". She said.

"Well, thank you for this information, we'll keep in touch." I said hanging up.

"I'm going to ask for you to leave". I said keeping my composure.

"Clo, what did she tell you?" He said

"You call me by Chloe, the girl you found at a concert, hooked up with to then brake her, maybe other Chloe would like to go on tour with you, SO THEN YOU DON'T HAVE TO HOOK UP WITH ME". I yelled

"Chloe Lin". He said grabbing my wrist.

"Don't ever touch me again, I got attached and I stayed on grab your shit and get out my fucking house". I said crying.

He went to the back to grab his belongings I went to the sink to get myself a cup of water. Geoff came back with his belongings I slammed my glass on the counter not caring that it shattered.

"I'm going upstairs, have a good day". I said picking glass shards out of my hand.

Jenna's pov

"Is she okay?" Awsten asked me.

"She's broken, she really liked him, I had faith in him". I said standing up.

"What the heck happened, I've never seen Geoff cry before" Otto said

"Chloe, and him broke up". I said.


"Where's Geoff staying?" Otto asked

"Probably staying a few nights with his parents, they live like 20 minutes away". Awsten said.

Chloe let out a high pitch yell and sobs.

I brought my phone out and called Justin's phone.

"Hey Justin, so does your dad still have weed, Chloe is going through a hard time right now and you normally calm her". I said

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