Chapter 24 - All You Do Is Walk Away

Start from the beginning

But only because I didn't see him in the morning that dosent mean that I didn't see him in the afternoon. I did. And when he walked in through the gate, my heart almost stopped.

He was walking slow, stumbling upon his crutches, with 2 big security guards behind him for protection. He wore a lose black tank top, the sides of his arms nude showing his right arm tattoo; it made me wonder when he got it... His hair was messy and his shirt was paired with dark jeans. I adored at how cute he looked today.

I quickly averted my gaze from Rohan, I didn't wanted to be caught oogling at him. He hasn't even seen me yet.

The atmosphere all the sudden went so quiet, I could hear the sound of his shoes and crutches... they were getting closer to the reception desk.

How and when did he get injured?

As I was staring upon the computer, I heard the sound of somebody's fingers clicking on the desk.

*tap tap*

I looked up and see Rohan, leaning over the table, with the support of his hands, crutches laying on the side against the desk.

"How may I help you sir?" I spoke in a sweet tone, batting my eyeslashes.

The serious look on his face immediately detached - he broke into laughter. He was obviously laughing at me for being so formal, cause that never happened in the past. I struggled to hide the smile trying to form on my face, but gosh! I couldn't help it. His laugh made me smile. Being around him made me happy.

He cleared his throat in a posh style. "I would like to get my room card to unlock the door, thank you very much."

"Sure sir, wait a minute."

Opening the drawer, I took out the card with had 210 written on it, and handed to him.

I tried to avoid the tingly sensation I got when his hand touched mine. Though It was only for a second it was still still enough to burn the butterflies in my stomach.

He didn't leave, he kept looking at me. I could feel his shadow covering my light, as I--

"Your hair is more shorter now," He observed, I blinked in surprise.

Well that was new!

I patted my hair, pushing it backwards. Earlier my hair use to come upto my waist, now it's just upto my shoulders. It was cool and new, I liked it.

"Uh.. yeah, I cut it." I mumbled, awkwardly. I hate when people stare at me, especially when that person is Rohan. The intensity in his eyes is too alluring, and the fact that he doesn't look away makes it worse. Sometimes I wonder what he thinks when he looks at me like that, other times I just wanna bury myself somewhere and run away from his eyes.

I don't want him to judge me in any way.

"Is it bad?" I questioned, he didn't say anything back, I suspected that he probably didn't like it.

"No, not at all!" Rohan beemed, smiling at me.

God, that smile.

He smiled like he was holding all the light in the world between his lips.

"Infact it looks really good, suits you." He nodded at me with genuine satisfaction. The sides of my lips twitched up, I felt the heat crawl up against my cheeks.

He immediately noticed the rosiness growing on my cheeks and smirked down knowing that he made me blush.

Why can't my hormones stay in place!?

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