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The next day finally came and I was dreading the events. I was about to kill my own guild members.
I gripped my sword tightly in my right hand as we slowly walked through a field at sunset, wind blowing softly. We were out to gain some levels before we returned to the pub to celebrate a victory - and Dealan's birthday.
I only wish he would stay alive longer. Dealan was starting to grow on me.
I trailed slowly behind the group, staring at the ground as I shuffled along, trying to plan out how to make my move.
"Hey... Shira!" I looked up to see Dealan waving back at me as he walked, smiling wide. It made me smile. Why did I have to do this? "Shira, come on! We'll let you get the next kill!" He said happily.
I smiled and nodded. "Okay!" I started running towards them.

"You're letting them deceive you."

I stopped and looked around. Did I just hear... "Akihiko?"

"You're going along with them too freely. Take my advice," He suddenly appeared before me, dragging me to a white space that was completely endless in nothingness. "Think before you act. You should be on guard right now."

I quickly started raising my sword but he stopped me. "Where are we?" I demanded.

He slowly shook his head. "That does not matter. But look," He looked off into the endless distance. "It's already begun...stay on guard. Don't let it down. Otherwise, you won't be able to kill me." He smirked and looked to me. "That's what you want," everything stopped and I felt nothing. "Right?"

I was snapped back into 'reality', the sun having set more, bringing the sky to a bright orange and blood red, completely unlike the golden sunset minutes before it. I stared off across the field in the way we had came; it was almost as if something was different. Wrong, even. I felt uneasy.
A scream from behind me confirmed my suspicions. I immediately spun around to see Lewin holding Markal in a headlock, Alixen running towards him. He was holding a long black sword, one we hadn't seen before. At least, I hadn't seen it yet.

"Run." Akihiko whispered.

My body started running as fast as it could, slicing through the tall grass. I clenched my sword tightly, not knowing what to do. I should have realized I wouldn't have made it. Not in time.
Alixen raised his sword, slicing through Markal as Lewin let go. The Guild leader's HP dropped to 0% almost instantly. his body began to ripple.
"Markal!!" I screamed, watching his body shatter into small shapes. I nearly lost all will to run, stumbling in the grass. I looked backup at Lewin and Alexin to see something happen - something they obviously hid. The symbols above their heads that indicated a player immediately changed to blood red. What had I done?
Alixen turned to me. "Do it."
Arms quickly grabbed me and I gasped, sword being yanked away. "Dealan! Lewin! Let me go!"
"Dealan ran," someone replied. Lewin. He was holding me tightly, not seeming like he would let go anytime soon.
I shook my head. "N-no! No way!" Dealan wouldn't have. "He would stay and fight!" I kicked my feet as Alixen slowly walked towards me.
"Well... apparently not," he sighed and swung his sword lazily. "Now... let's see if we got this right. Shiramane, the incredible Beta Tester who made it through all one hundred floors of Sword Art Online. Your home is practically this place. Am I not wrong?"
I stared at him. "How did you find out about those things?"
He stared blankly back in return. "We asked."
I looked at Lewin as best I could. "Who?"
"Akihiko Kayaba."
Alixen nodded at Lewin's reply. "Akihiko himself, the creator of Aincrad..." he gripped his blade tightly. "Sold you out." He grinned.

Wait... no. Impossible. Why would he say something like-

"Let's end this, Shira." Alixen tilted his head, looking slightly bored.

Oh my God.

I closed my eyes tightly. "You can't..." my entire body tensed.
Alixen started walking quicker, holding his sword tightly, ready to activate a skill. I braced myself, ready.


I opened my eyes to a scream following Akihiko Kayaba's voice. Alixen had been struck down by what seemed to be a blur. The person turned around and lunged themselves at Lewin. I fell to the ground, feeling pain as I hit the hard dirt.
"Leave Shiramane alone!!" The person screamed.
I opened my eyes wide. I couldn't believe it, but at the same time, I could.

He's here. Dealan. And the others tried to kill me. Akihiko told them everything to make me realize who they were... but thank God he didn't tell them all of it.

"Dealan!" I yelled, quickly getting up, grass everywhere.
The redhead blocked Lewin's sword from hitting him. "Get your sword, Shira!"
I nodded and looked around. Why did there have to be so much grass?

"By Alixen." Akihiko said.

I started running towards Alixen, who was starting to get up. I narrowed my eyes as Dealan continued fighting with Lewin. I ducked down into the grass, continuing to run quickly. As I got slightly closer, I could see Alixen's legs and something glinting by his feet; my sword, thin and black. I slid and grasped it in my right hand, pushing myself up. I stood up behind Alixen, quickly raising my sword and preparing myself. I activated a sword skill and it started glowing a deep purple. I swung with the right amount of force and cut him clean in half through his stomach. Everything seemed to slow in an instant. Alixen's body slowly separated, the only shock on his face being his wider eyes. Time returned to normal and I slashed him again, HP reaching 0%. His body shattered and I looked at Dealan. He was still fighting Lewin and looked like he was starting to struggle. I started running towards them and readied my sword.
Lewin knocked Dealan back, Dealan's hand with his sword moving away, unblocking his body. Lewin activated a skill and swung his sword. There was a loud clang that rang out across the field as my sword blocked his, forcing myself to had run in between them. I pushed on his sword, knocking him back. I yelled as I swung my sword. After a few more hits, Lewin shattered into thousands of pieces, HP having reached zero.
My shoulders slumped and I was out of breath. I suddenly remembered Dealan, turning around to see him quickly disappear. He had used a Teleportation Crystal. Where to, I didn't know.
"Dealan..." I stared. I closed my eyes. "No. This is enough." I quickly started to open my inventory for a crystal, wanting to get home.
"You really want to go, don't you," a voice said from behind me.
I froze.


"You think that everything will be this easy? I wonder if that's what people call 'naive'." They said.
I turned around to see Alixen, his long bangs moving gently in the wind. He held a blank expression towards me. "But... how?"
"Your Nerv Gear," he said, gesturing to me with a hand. I knew what he meant. "It... scanned me, and now I'm there in the memory."
"I could say the same for myself," another voice said from behind me. I quickly turned around to see Lewin. "It scanned me too."
I was starting to panic. "But... how did it..."
"You cared for us. Your Nerv Gear knew that. You cared for your guild, despite what you've obviously been through. In a way, you saved me. You were no doubt our strongest member from the beggining and before we met you." Another spoke.
I turned to see the silver-haired Markal, smiling softly.
"We should be thanking you, Shiramane." He said.
They had surrounded me in a triangle. "But why? I killed two of you..."
"But we know now we can no longer hurt anyone. Now, we can only reflect." Alixen said, reaching out to me.
"We can only reflect on our actions and share your memories. Now... I just want to help you free everyone." Lewin said, extending his hand as well.
"We'll be here if you need us. You won't be alone. We promise." Markal said and reached out with his hand before they all disappeared.
I closed my eyes.

Once I got home, it was dark. I closed my door and locked it, making sure the window was shut tight along with the curtains. I recieved a call from Akihiko and answered it.

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