Chapter Two: THe BAaaaD bOiiii

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Mary Sue began to float into the sky the evil alien princee was kidnapping hersss!!! 

"oH nO GliterMcSparkleVampir saved meeeee!!!!!" Mary Sue called out.

"No I hAvE a NeW bAe Now!!!!" GliterMcSparkleVampire said. While making out with Mary sues mama.


"lol nu noob" Her mama said while burning down the hospital for disabled children.

Mary Sue flew into the space ship with evil alien prince overlord.

"let me go fam." Mary Sue said.

"lol nu nob" Evil alien prince overlord said.

Mary Sue looked over at the boy tied to a chair beside her.

"lol Im bad boiii and im gay, but in love with youuu!!!!" Bad Boi said.

"I luv you to bad boi!!!!" Mary SUe said.

"now lets cause' terorist attacks!1!!111!!!" Bad boiiii said.


Bad boi stole the ship and flew it into GliterMcSparkleVapires house kiling her mama.

Mary Sue smiled, 1200 died in the explosion.

"lol revEnge is FUUUUnn" Bad  boiii said happily.

Mary sue suddenly got poked by the whole school. "waaaaaa" she cried.

Then the football team who poked  her were also gay and kidnapped bad boi.

To be continued... :o

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