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Jayden pov

"Time to get up and get dress."said dee.then I put the cover over my head.it is too early for this mom I mean dee.she pick me up and out the bed.she place me on my feet.she left.I got dressed in a shirt and jeans.I hop back in bed.I went back to sleep.dee woke me up again.

"Jay, go brush your brush and put your shoes."said dee.I nodded.I will in 10 more mins.dee pick me up and place on my feet.I went to bathroom and brush my teeth. I put my socks on and my spongebob shoes.I went downstairs to kitchen. I sat on the island.

"What you want to eat today?"asked dee.


"Nope.you have just water yesterday for breakfast. Now you actually eat something for breakfast today."said dee.

"Pop tart."then she gave me a pop tart.she left the kitchen? I ate the pop tart and went to her room.she was tieing her shoes.

"You ready?"asked Dee

"Yeah.where we going?"

"I am not telling you"said Dee,then we hopped in the car.

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to."said Dee.

"She probably bringing you back to the orphanage"said the voice
"No she not!"
"Then why she not telling you.she tells you everything"
"I don't know!"
"You going back!"sang the voice

"No!I am not!"

"Jay what you talking about?"asked dee.

"Nothing."please don't ask more questions!

"she is going to ask more questions."said the voice.

Dee nodded.then she parked the car.

"We are here."said Dee.we hopped out the car.I grabbed Dee hand.we walked in the building. Dee signed a paper at the front desk with the lady.that lady looks like a nurse.

"Cuz she is a nurse, stupid."said the voice.

Then Dee sat down in a chair by a stack of magazines. I climbed on to her lap.Nurses are in hospitals and doctor offices.this doesn't look like a hospital. So this a doctor office. But why we here?I am not sick.

"Jayden barmer."said a Nurse.then we followed the doctor to a scale.

"Step on."said the nurse.I step on it.then he pull a long stick from behind the scale. I ran behind Dee legs.

"Jay,he is going to measure your height."said Dee.I stood at the scale?the nurse measure me.

"Follow me"said the nurse. Then we went to a small nurse office.

"The doctor will be in 5."said the nurse. Dee nodded. He left.

"Why we are here?I am not sick."

"It is called check up."said Dee.then she place me on the bed with a paper on it

"What is that?"

"To check if you still healthy."


"Not sick."then I nodded.a female doctor walked in.

"I am doctor Harris."said doc Harris. She shook Dee hand.she put on some gloves.

"Hey sport. I going to check your heartbeat."Said doc.She walked to me with a metal tool.I hopped off the bed and into Dee lap.She rubbed my back little.

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