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*Jungkook's POV*

"I think I've seen you somewhere before," She started as she looked down at her hands "the time at the airport..."

That was when things started to piece together. It was at this moment, it all made sense.

"Hey uhh.... w-would you like to talk more.... uhh... w-when's your break?" I said to the girl as she faced me.

The girl looked to her side and pulled out a schedule and ran her finger down the page and stopped near the bottom of the page. She smiled slightly and placed the schedule back down on the counter.

"I have my break in a couple minutes..." The girl replied checking her phone to make sure she was right.

Taehyung stood there a little confused, looking back and forth from the girl and me.

"Do you guys know each other?" Taehyung questioned as he scratched his head.

The girl and I shared a glance, unsure of what to say. I then chuckled faintly and looked to the side. I then saw the bag of candies on the counter and remembered we needed to get the candies back to the others.

"Hey uh... Taehyung I think we need to get the candies back to the others before they go crazy..." I said to Taehyung, acknowledging the bag candies that laid on the counter.

"Good idea Kookie..." Taehyung began and then glanced back at the others "we don't need an angry Seokjin when we come back..."

We then walked back to the others and sat down on a picnic bench, placing the candies down on the table. Seokjin pushed the other members aside when the candies were placed down on the table and rummaged through the bag.

"He must have been hungry..." I admitted, shocked from Seokjin's actions.

"He wouldn't stop complaining like a kid while you guys were buying the candy..." Namjoon explained and Hoseok nodded.

Yoongi raised his head from the table and gave a death stare to Seokjin.

"If you guys came any later, I was so ready t-" Yoongi mumbled, however, he was cut off by Hoseok signalling that Seokjin could hear him from across the table.

Yoongi grunted and laid his head back on the table.

I looked back at the candy stall and saw that the girl was still there. She pulled out her phone and grinned at the screen. She shoved her phone back in her pocket and walked out of the stall and locked the door behind her.

"Oh uh... guys... I got to go.... see you in a bit!" I blurted before running off to the girl.


My phone started to buzz when It was almost time for my break. I saw a text message pop up on my screen. It was from Jaeyoung.

Jaeyoung: Hey Y/N I was wondering if you'd like to hang out tomorrow and get to know each other better since we're going to be living together...

I grinned at the text and texted Jaeyoung back.

Y/N: Sounds good. Can't wait~

Before shoving my phone back in my pocket, I saw the time on my phone. It was time for my break. I wonder what that boy had to say... Why does he look like the boy from the airport... the one who was swarmed by fans and flashed a smiled towards me... I mean it could have been for anyone.... there were tons of people around me.... AHH, what am I doing!

I pushed my thoughts aside and walked out of the candy stall, locking the door behind me. When I turned around I saw the boy from earlier running up to me.

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