Getting Ready

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I huff as I throw another pair of tights in my bag. I was packing for sectionals. This year it was taking place in Colorado at the Olympic training center. My stomach twisted in anticipation just thinking about the competition. The first thing that crossed my mind was my coaches and parents expectations of me getting to nationals. I sighed pushing those nerve recking feelings and rather let more enjoyable thoughts take over.

And just as if he knew I was thinking of him a ding sounded on my phone.

Kace: You coming in tomorrow? :)

I smile down at the text. Kace knew I was leaving tomorrow for nationals. Because I am "grounded" we have only been to spend time together when I have had my lunch breaks at the rink. We would meet outside and sit against the wall talking more than eating on our 30-minute lunch break.

Me: Early morning practice before we head to the airport. :D

Kace: I'll come before school. Meet you at our spot?

Me: Sounds good. See you tomorrow then. :P

Kace: Can't wait.

I lay back on my bed, holding my phone to my chest, letting myself feel the happy feeling Kace gives me before I have to go back to my nationals packing. I sit up and go back to reality but in a somewhat better mood. Yay, sectionals with my super supportive coach and non-expected parents. Can't wait.


"... and then we'll get an uber from the airport to the hotel. I can't believe we have to get an uber but I guess a taxi would be worse. I don't know why your father doesn't take the uber and we take the driver." My mom pauses and looks at me who is more interested in my cereal than my mom's rambling, "Chesa are you even listening to me?"

I look up from my cereal with a bored expression, "Yes mom."

Drake, our driver, enters the kitchen at the moment thankfully saving me from my mother's ongoing rambling.

"Oh Drake, yes you can get our bags they are in the front foyer." My mom points off in the direction. Drake gives a respectable nod and goes off to do my mother's bidding. I personally don't understand how they stand they way my mother treats them sometimes. I get up to go help Drake knowing full well that my mom packed at least 4 bags, not including carry-ons. And I wouldn't mind getting away from my mothers talking. I need to remember to thank whoever invited earphones because that is going to be my lifesaver with me sitting two hours next to my mom on a flight.

We arrive at the rink with my mom fussing the whole time about if I had everything even though she had Chelsea, our housekeeper, check it twice with a list. As soon as we are at the rink I am out of that car and on the ice as soon as possible. My coach runs through the program and my jumps but it's a pretty chilled lesson because I am flying later and meeting him again at the rink for a practice. My lesson ends and the coach gives me a speech before we head off to another rink.

"Chesa I know it's been an inconsistent time with a change of rinks and everything but that is no excuse. I have heard you have been acting up and I want none of that this weekend. You are to  be focused and serious. No shenanigans, no time for being friendly, and no time to fool around. You are to focus on skating your butt off and nothing else, understand?" My coach says in a firm voice that makes me want to roll my eyes at but I was too focused on not missing my goodbye to Kace. At that moment I would have agreed to anything so I just nodded hoping he would accept that. Apparently, it was good enough before he turns to go and as soon as he did I raced off that ice.

I practically threw my skates off and shoved my shoes on. I ran past my mom mumbling about doing something and meeting her in the car. I run to the back of the rink and exit rushing around the corner to see Kace in our spot looking as great as ever. As I jog up he looks up from his book, such a nerd (but I love it), to see me.

A smile breaks onto his face.

I get close enough to talk and wheeze out, "Hey.. sorry I'm.. late."

He stands a couple feet from me, "You would think a figure skating who jumps and twirls for 3 straight minutes couldn't run a few hundred feet with ease."

I squeeze my eyes together and send him a glare, "I told you it's spinning, not "twirling"."

He gives me a cheeky smirk, "I know."

Oh, this boy was going to be the death of me.

He closes his book and takes a step closer to me, "I'm glad I got to see you before you go." He looks at his watch, "But unfortunately I have to go soon."

I shrug, "Same but I wouldn't mind missing the plane ride and going to school with you."

He frowned, "And sit through calculous which is so boring even the teacher is falling asleep? I think you would have more fun doing the thing you loved even if I am pretty good company."

"Ya well, it's hard to love something when your coach and parents are shoving your face with expectations and rules of what, who and when to do."

Kace's face fills with sympathy and he moves my head to look at him with his hand and then brushes the side of my face ever so lightly, "Hey, don't let anyone take away your passion for what you love. Remember why you started and what makes you keep going. Push what they say out of your mind. Can you do that for me?"

I look into his gorgeous brown eyes and nod. That's the only thing I could do at the moment. Other than our dance, we don't really ever cross the physical touching barrier or being this close to each other. We haven't even hugged which I don't know if he is a hugging person or maybe because both of us haven't made the move we both just don't. Ugh, boys make my brain think too much.

His hand leaves my face pulling me from my trance. He starts backing away, "I have to go. Good luck, Chesa."

He turns to go and I don't know what came over me but I grab his wrist to halt his leaving. He turns to look at me. I wanted to tell him I'll miss him, "Kace..." but I doubt myself. Is it too much? Is it too soon? I chicken out, "don't fall asleep in calculus." I smile.

He smiles back, "Me? Never. How could I when I'm thinking about you?" I roll my eyes but still a blush comes across my cheeks.

He pauses to look at me before leaving almost to know what I was going to say and saying 'I'll miss you too' back. But that could have just been my lovestruck teenage brain making things up. Either way, I was going to remember the feeling of his soft hand on my constantly blushing cheeks.

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