Happy Birthday Lindsey

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Time: Tour 2013 

Stevie shook her head as she slipped out of her room. It had been so easy, too easy actually. All she had needed to do was saying she had wanted the key to his room, for they were going to have a little surprise for him. She had gotten it without problems, and what irritated the heck out of her, without any questions. Okay she had needed to prove that she actually was Stevie Nicks, but she had expected to be questioned, why she wanted the key to his room, why one of the boys didn’t collect it. But all that didn’t matter anymore as she hurried through the hallway and to his room. All that mattered now was that she wasn’t seen by anyone. And no matter that they had blocked the complete floor, she knew that there could be prying eyes.
Smiling she opened the door almost soundless, letting out a deep breath of relief that she hadn’t been seen, not even by the band. And then Stevie quietly made her way through the room and into his bedroom. She watched him for a while, enjoying the rare opportunity to just watch him sleep, just as she had done it way back in the days. Leaning against the door frame, Stevie nearly forgot about why she was here. So after a while she pushed herself off her resting place and tip toed through the room.
Without hesitation she slipped into his bed and under the covers, closing her eyes and savouring the moment she first shared his bed again. She felt him shifting in his sleep turning around to face her as if he had known she was here again. But he didn’t wake up, all that happened after the few minutes in which she was just watching him again was that he reached for her and pulled her close. It caused her to laugh lightly still not wanting to wake him up, but she knew that she had to sooner or later.
“Angel...” She began to kiss along his shoulder. “Wake up... I might not be bearing gifts but I wanted to be the first to wish you a happy birthday...”
He muttered and in his sleep, his arms were closing even further around her.
“There’s time for sleep later, Angel.” Stevie smiled and continued to kiss him, trailing kisses up his neck now. “But if you don’t want to have a very special gift from me now, I’ll just sleep a little myself.”
“Forget it.” Came a sleepy response that caused her to laugh.
She loved seeing him like this, after he had just woken up, eyes still closed and his voice just a little raspy.
“Good morning, my birthday boy.” Stevie laughed and then leaned down to kiss him. “I wish you a very happy birthday.”
“Can only be good.” Lindsey was still muttering, pulling her down for a kiss now. “You’re here.”
“I thought so...” She whispered.
“Where’s my present?” He asked.
“I thought me being here, with you and waking up together in the morning was present enough for now.” Stevie laughed. “You’ll get it later. For now you have to put up with me.”
“I can unwrap you...” He reached for the stash on her robe, pulling it open and revealing a long, pale pink, silk nightgown. “And I like the gift you got me.”
“You do?” She asked, looking up at him through her lashes.
“I really love it.” Lindsey reassured her.
“That’s good.” She muttered and reached out to pull him near.
She felt as he was trying to take the lead off her, and normally she would let him have it, but not tonight. Tonight Stevie wanted things to be for him. And so she pushed up against him and turned them around, going down on him.

The next morning they were woken by some loud and sheer never ending knocks on the door.
“Make it stop.” Stevie muttered and turned around.
She was still tightly embraced within Lindsey’s arms, her hair a mess as she hid her face against his bare chest. She could more feel him chuckle than actually hear him, but she knew he did nevertheless.
“Ignore it, Angel.” He laughed and kissed her hair, before chuckling low again.
“What?” She looked up, not knowing why he was laughing now.
“Sleep.” Was all Lindsey replied.
“No, tell me what’s so funny.” She demanded.
“This is a mess.” He told her as he tried to gently brush through her hair. “Sex hair.”
“Yeah?” Stevie asked.
“Mhmm.” He nodded and placed a kiss on her pouting lips.
“Good.” Her face softened and a smile came to her lips. “Means we can still do magic.”
“Mhmm.” Lindsey smiled and pulled her back close. “Now sleep a little more. And maybe we’ll do some more magic later.”

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