Secret Baby Mikey // 1

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Ashton - Daddy
Luke - Dad
Calum - Uncle
Michael - 2 years old (headspace)

Michael absolutely loved being in a band, the music, the concerts, the fans, EVERYTHING, but there was one thing that he wished didn't come with it, stress. There was always something going on in his life, whether it was just a quiet CD signing or a massive band tour, so he rarely got time to relax and chill out. A way of coping which Michael had found was regressing into a younger version of himself, using dummies and nappies in order to feel more at ease. This was something which he would never dare tell any of his band mates, but it always made him feel secure when the big world was scaring him.

The band was currently touring, spending most nights either in their tour bus or in different hotels. This in itself made Michael feel on edge, but with the addition of interviews and Tv appearances he really needed some time to relieve his stress.

The first stop on their tour way California, America which was very very far away from home. One evening after a concert the boys were shoved into their tour bus to travel to their next venue overnight. All the boys were in the back of the bus, talking and laughing while eating pizza. The topic of conversation moved to what they missed about home, and Michael missed everything. Everyone began talking about their families and their houses and all Michaels emotions seemed to consume him. "How long has it been since you've seen your family Mike?" asked Calum from the other side of the bus. As Michael thought about the question tears began to spill from his eyes because he was realising he hadn't seen his mum for months and months. "I didn't mean to upset you Mikey, I'm sorry" said Calum sincerely but slightly confused. Michael got up from his seat and walked to wear his bed was on the bus and closed the door dividing himself from the other boys.

"What was that all about?" questioned Ashton, sounding just as confused as Calum. "Ill go and see if he's alright" said Luke before he got up to leave.

The room with the beds in was separated from the rest of the bus by a door, but each bed was only separated from the other with a curtain. Luke slowly opened the door to find Michael's beds curtain closed. "Mikey?" he whispered, but gained no response. Behind the curtain Michael was aggressively sucking on his thumb, trying to find some comfort but failing as the tears still poured out onto his cheeks. Michael was the youngest member of the band, but only by a few months, yet the age difference had always seemed more drastic than that. Luke slowly pulled back Michael's curtain to reveal Michael's back facing him. He could still hear the muffled sobs from Michael and reached out to put an arm on his shoulder. "Mikey?" He repeated. "Mhm" Michael mumbled back from around his thumb. "Please look at me" Luke almost begged. Michael pulled his thumb out of his mouth before he turned to look at Luke with his tear stained face and burning red eyes. "Tell me what's wrong Mikey" Luke said, looking longingly into Michael's eyes. "You'll laugh" Michael managed to force out. "Of course I won't laugh, you're one of my best friends, you can tell me anything!" Luke reassured, while also rubbing circles into Michael's back. The circles calmed Michael down, but also forced him to remember why he was upset in the first place, causing new tears to form in his eyes. "Please Mikey..." Luke said trying to convince him to speak. "I-I m-miss m-my m-mummy" Michael managed to say through sobs and sniffles.

Luke felt awful for the younger boy, he himself hadn't seen his mum for months either but it clearly didn't affect him as much as it affected Michael. "Mike, move along, can I sleep in here with you tonight?" Michael did as he was asked and rolled over to make enough space to Luke's small frame to allow next to him. Luke being close to him made Michael feel more contempt, forgetting about his mum momentarily as the circles being drawn into his back lulled him into a calm sleep. As Michael fell asleep Luke placed an arm around him, sort of protecting him, and making sure he felt as safe as he could.

The road they were driving along became rocky and bumpy, in turn this caused Michael's dream world to turn into something more sinister. He dreamt about telling his band about how he coped with stress and having them laugh at him and kick him out of the band. He was thrashing his body backwards and forwards which caused Luke to wake up in a slight panic. Soon after Luke woke up Michael followed, sitting bolt upright, crying his eyes out. However, that was not the only thing that was wet. Beneath Michael a growing warmth was forming, getting bigger by the second. Michael was actually in shock, he never wet the bed, he was so embarrassed so cried harder. Luke was confused at first, then he felt it too, the warm liquid spreading onto his sweat pants too. "Mikey baby, it's okay, accidents happen" Luke tried to comfort Michael. "Don't wanna be kicked from the band" Michael whined as he tried to control his crying. "Mikey, we wouldn't kick you out of the band for wetting the bed! Besides, it was only once, just an accident" Luke reassured again. "Come on, ill help you get cleaned up" Luke said, getting up and reaching out a hand to Michael which he gratefully took.

After Michael was cleaned up Luke took him into the back of the bus to sit and talk with him. "Michael, why did you get so upset about your mum last night?" He asked cautiously. "I wanna go home" Michael said sadly. Like felt sad too, he didn't realise Michael was so miserable. "Hey!! Maybe we can FaceTime your mum! It's like 5pm at home?" Luke suggested happily. A smile grew on Michael's face at the suggestion and he did just that. He spent 45 minutes talking to his mum and it made him feel so much better. As the phone call ended Luke wrapped Michael in a hug and whispered "we love you so much Mikey, don't ever forget that".

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