Barney is a Who Now?!

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Once I was minding my business, sweeping the floors of the set.

Yes. I work there. And yet, no one but the director knew the real identity of Barney.

So anyway, I was sweeping the floors with my headphones on, and I bumped face first into a door.

It had a huge sign saying: 

*Do not enter* 

Maybe because I was high on loud music, or bored of my job, or that I'm plain nosey; I knocked.

No on answered.

I rattled the doorknob a noise.

So I opened the door.

And there on the obnoxiously expensive banana looking sofa lay a human in a Barney suit. 

A girl.

She was sleeping and half the barney costume was on her. By half I mean, the bottom half. Her face was exposed and her tits spilled out like they had not a care in the world.

I had seen my share of tits. I mean,  I'm not an ugly guy. But those tits were..creamy perfect. C- Cup if I had to guess.

Oh wait. We were talking about her face. I looked up to her face to see a blondie. Still contently sleeping.  She looked to be in her early 20's.

Other than very blonde hair, she seemed to have big eyes with long lashes. As far as you could tell with them being closed. A moderately sized nose and a red little mouth that was open and snoring.

Fūck she was perfect.

Then reality hit me.


"Yes I'm a girl, dįckwad.  The fûck you doing in here?!"

Shit. I had said that out loud. The blonde haired Barney sat up, very much awake, with her tits still out and..wait. She didn't sound like Barney. 

"You're a girl.." 

"I don't think I have a dick. So yeah I'm a girl".

"'re a girl. Barney is a girl." My mouth gaped open.

"Bruh. You have nothing else to say? I can show you I have no dick and still be Barney."

The blonde Barney stood up and walked towards me..


Hey guys. So yeah, this is just something I'm writing down on a whim. I have nothing planned and it's for fun because I'm bored. Lol. Tell me what you think.

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