Chapter-1. My life is just soo not normal at all.

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**Chapter-1. My life is just sooo not normal at all.**

     “Sharleeeene, wake up.You’re going to be late for college”, my mom ,oh so sweetly,yelled at me from the kitchen downstairs.

"Ya,mom.Two minutes more.", I mumbled in my bed.

          The thing was ,I was having a great dream.U know those dreams where u never wanna wake up.So what my dream was.Well isn't it obvious.What can a teenage girl dream about??I actually had a dream in which my Prince in shining armour was coming for me on his horse.

           Then ,smack! I get hit by a pillow. I get up to see who did that and it is none other than my big brother Jacob.I should actually be getting ready for college, instead I and bro get into a pillow fight.Now thats fun right! Even my pup,Shiro joins in and we tear a pillow apart.Mom comes in screaming.

Hehe..great way to start my day.

             I get ready for school..I put on a yellow black shades t-shirt with black skinny jeans and my strappy leather boots. I dont put on much makeup, just a dash of mascara and lip balm.Have my breakfast and then head to college.

             On my way to college, a royal enfield zipped past through me from the wrong side and well i cut to the wrong side and got a few choice words thrown at me from the other drivers.That bastard didn't know how to drive a freaking bike.Idiot.Hmph.

             You know sometimes things just are meant to happen when u least expect it. I know u have heard that many times.Trust me I have too.Like meeting ur ‘Prince Charming’ in flesh and blood.Yeah right? As if that would happen.That only happens in chick-flicks n romantic YA novels.

            Actually, today is my second day at my new college, NMR college of engineering and degree.Yesterday was the orientation day and a college tour.

            I park my car in the parking lot, which is pretty much filled up with many shiny cars and students.I don’t own an outrageous car,just a Skoda Rapid.It's a gift from my daddy and I love it.

            I was walking to the main gate of the campus, and nothing has happened – yet. But I was wrong. As soon as I step foot in to the campus grounds I was mauled by people,it almost felt like being bulldozed.Okay, I know I am exaggerating.

I get the morning pleasentries something like this:

“You are such a mean friend!” Ricky groaned.

“It’s been sooooo long!” Scott beamed.

“Where have you been?”, Mel frowned.

“Shaaaaa !!”,Ray sang.

“Shortie ? Are you late trying to get taller !”, Austin smirked

“You look rocking hot babe!”,Jo flirted

 “You don’t love me!”,Asher pouted

“Why aren’t u saying anything?”, Heather asked concerned.



Let me explain to you.

First, no, none of them are either my boyfriend or my lovers or my estranged friends whom I met after a thousand years (well, not technically 1000 years).

Second, no, they are not nutjobs or psychotic or any sort of mentally challenged or handicapped people.

They are just my totally over dramatic,awesome,idiotic, best friends. And although they are idiots I love them.

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