Chapter 32

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The party was over and everyone had left. It was the next day and Andy and I had cleaned the house before my grandparents had gotten home. Because let's just admit this, my throat would be slit if they seen the mess.

It had taken us almost all day to clean the house because it seemed like there was always something,  somewheres.

But we had finally finished. We started cleaning around 9 a.m. and now it's 7 p.m.

We decide to go to the mall afterwards and just hang out, everyone joined, Meggin, Paisley, Natasha, Luna, Alec, Manson and Tyler.

To my knowledge I'm the only person that knows about Andy's plan for getting a tattoo and what it's of. Even Tyler doesn't know yet and Tyler is his best friend!

We had been walking through the mall, apparently according to Andy, all his friends already know about him being in a gang, because he's wearing his gangs jacket and nobody gives a crap. So you know... Apparently they do know about all that...

Andy held my hand as we walked around the mall, we all were bored out of our minds, both Natasha and Paisley kept going to really girly stores going on about how this is cute and that is cute. In reality it wasn't all that cute...

We all decide to go to the movie theater and watch a movie. Meggin and Manson were hitting it off, maybe there gonna be a new couple?

Manson and his mysterious women had apparently broke up because she couldn't take not seeing him everyday, he didn't seem hurt by it. But I could very well be wrong.

Paisley was still after Andy, we decided to watch a horror movie, we all had picked our seats, Paisley insisted on sitting beside a boy because she get scared easily. Little did she know she was gonna be stuck beside Alec.

We picked the middle row in the perfect spot, Andy was gonna be sitting beside someone he didn't know and me, I was gonna be sitting beside Meggin who was gonna be sitting beside Manson, who was gonna be sitting beside Tyler, Tyler was gonna be beside Luna and Luna was gonna be beside Alec, and beside Alec was gonna be Paisley.

Obviously she put up a fit, awe poor Princess.

All the adds were playing and we all were socializing. Well other then Andy and I, we just sat there and talked to eachother. Nobody really minded that.

I had my head layed on Andy's shoulder. We were holding hands and just talking, once in a while we would just watch the adds, but we mainly talked...

The movie had started and everyone had hushed.


The movie ended and everyone was hungry, so we all decided to go to a restaurant,  we all picked A&W, my favourite fast food restaurant to be honest.

We picked a big booth that could fit atleast 8 people.  We all slid in, it was Andy, me, Paisley, Natasha, Manson, Luna, Alec then Tyler. Andy and Tyler were the ones on the outside.

Tyler, Alec and Andy had taken our orders, we split money obviously, Andy and I had a minature fight over him paying for me, I didn't want him to but he did.

Natasha, Paisley, Manson and Tyler paid for themselves while Alec paid for himself and Luna and Andy paid for him and I.

Andy, Alec and Tyler had left and Paisley looks at me. I then receive a text.

P: your a spoiled brat and a bitch. Who new!?

I laugh out loud, "Paisley your right  beside me, talk to me out loud,  stop texting me."

Her face turns bright red as everyone looks at her and I. Obviously she was mad, she was overly mad.

The boys soon came back with food and I rushed to grab my food, everyone else grabs there's and we sit there eating.

Not really saying much either... just eating... that's a good friendship, just food.

We soon were all done and we all got into our separate cars driving home. This time Andy and I stayed at his place, I kind of figured he got home sick, he did stay at my house for probably about three weeks...

"I have a suprise for you when we get to my house" he speaks.

My eyes widen, "what is it!?"

"It wouldn't be a suprise if you knew, now would it?" I groaned, he's one of those kinds of people.

"you knowww I hate suprisessss."

He chuckles,  "yeah I do, that's another reason why I'm teasing you."

I hiss, "fuck off. You suck" I was only kidding and you could definitely tell.

He chuckles again and we pull into his driveway, "OKAY WHAT IS IT!" I start jumping on my seat.

He chuckles, "it's inside," he says then gets out of the truck, I grumble and whisper things under my breath until he opens the truck door and helps me out of the truck.

We walk inside, we walk into the living room, "stay right there" he speaks.

I groan and sit into the couch, he walks upstairs and after a couple minutes I hear him walking back down the stairs.

He walks into the room holding with both hands a pink box covered in small holes, and in his right hand he's holding a plastic bag.

He hands me the plastic bag first, I look inside and see dishes, plastic dishes, and a small bed that kind of just looked like a pillow, and a black chain, I give him a confused look until he holds out the box.

I open the hot pink box, "OH MY GOD ANDY!" I scream and tackle him in a hug.

What did Andy get Jade?

Do you think there a cute couple? Or who else do you think would be a cute couple?

Offically the longest book I've made! :3 :)


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