Chapter 31

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We ended up staying in my room, I know smart right? Leaving your own party unsupervised with a thousand drunk people in the house..... So smart.

But Tyler and Mason both swore they'd stay a little sober, they needed a sober driver and they figured a little girl with an concussion wasn't going to stop any fights from happening, so obviously they stayed a little sober.

Andy and I layed in bed, he looked down at me while I traced small designs on his chest, "I was thinking.."

I look up at Andy and stop tracing, I stay quiet listening to what he was going to say.

"I've been thinking about getting another tattoo..."

I smiled, "what of?"

"I was thinking... a blue jay.."

A blue jay, why a blue jay?

"Why a blue jay?"

"Well" he chuckles a little, "your nickname is Jay, and your favourite colour is blue..."

My heart pounds, "you want to get a tattoo to remind you of me?" I look at him confused, but at the same time my heart is exploding.

He chuckles, "yeah."

I start to blush, I shove my face into his chest not wanting him to see me blushing.

"Why would you want to do that?" I ask him."

He starts laughing, "why wouldn't I? Your the best thing that's ever happened to me." My face became even more warm.

"Stoppp ittttt"

"Stop what?"

"Stop making me blushhh, I don't like ittt."

He starts laughing, I could hear his heart beat, it was beating faster then normal, I could smell his cologne which smelt so good. I felt weak under his touch, but at the same time I felt like I was floating on air and it was only the two of us in the whole entire world.

I felt like we were made for eachother. Like we are soulmates,  and we very well could be.

I loved the way he makes me feel. He makes me feel amazing, loved, and perfect.

He is perfect, perfect to me.

"So what do you say, Jay?"

I look up at him no longer blushing, thank goodness. "I'd be so honored if you got a tattoo representing me."

He smiles, "good, because I booked an appointment for it in two days."

My heart pounded harder, I loved this man, this was my man.

I smiled at him, I loved him so much, "Andy?" I look up at him, my blue eyes reaching his brown ones.


"I love you" my heart pounded fast against my chest, I felt my throat become tighter, I could barely breath, I felt butterflies in my stomach as I spoke those words.

"I love you to Jade" as soon as he said that I reached up and wrapped my hands around his neck kissing him, I missed being close to him. I miss being around him, just him and I.

Lately everything's been hectic and we haven't had actual time to ourselves. This was our time.

His lips were soft against mine, his hands were around my waist pulling me closer, our kiss was so passionate, and I felt starved from kissing him, even though we had kissed about 10 minutes ago, I still felt starved.

And while there was a party that raged beneath us, I heard nothing. I heard nothing but his heart beat.

And soon enough, I was sitting ontop of him, kissing him. But without a shirt on, he had his shirt off to, I had moved my hands to undo his jeans.

This is a sexual scene
Which means any child should not read.
Thank you!

I had gotten rid of his jeans, mine were now completely pulled off and I was underneath of him.

We had nothing in between us, it was just him and I against the world. And this, this felt so right.

He pulled my hair out of my face and kissed me again. And that's when he stooped in, I felt him inside of me.

I felt pain but then reassurance. I felt love and compassion.  He moved swiftly inside of me, groaning.

I had started to moan aloud to, but not to loud to have someone poke at us about it later.

I felt a tingling sensation run through my body, I felt weak under his touch, he held me like I was fragile, like I was going to break.

He caressed my cheek with the back of his hand, his other holding himself up, his bicep went huge when he put all of his weight on the one hand, he moved his other beneath me again. He moved swiftly inside me, moaning.

I scratched his back and pulled his hair, I moaned. I felt one of his hands slide down my side leaving my side numb to were ever he touches me.

He had kisses my neck, then left a small love bite. He was mine and I was his.

I felt him moan a little louder then stiffen inside of me, and that's when my breath hitched in my throat and my heart beated fatser, I had oragasmed.

You shall read now

I felt releaved, and Andy tumbled down beside me after a couple more minutes of us doing our thing.

We both were out of breath, I got up and went into the bathroom, used the bathroom then had a shower.

And once I was clothed, Andy went inside and did his thing to, he was so respectful.

I had gotten dressed into my pj's and put my hair up in a messy bun, Andy had walked out fully clothed. He jumped on my bed taking me down with him, we fell onto my bed with a thump, when I hit my bed it knocked the air out of me.

I gasp for air and we look at eachother and laugh. We both get up and decide to go downstairs and grab some alcohol, because why not?

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