where you guys first met • all of the boys

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j o n a h
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You guys met at a little coffee shop downtown near the bookstore.The coffee shop was both of y'all go to places.You'll bring books to read or your macbook so you can write down some poetry stuff.You both adored each other and not very long till jonah asked you out.

c o r b y n
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Corbyn bumped into you in the flower shop.He was buying some flowers for their music video when he spilled the daisies you were holding.You both apologized and he offered to take you out on a date.Before he left he kindly asked for you number which you gaved.

d a n i e l
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You were going to buy for another guitar because your stupid little sister broke yours.While trying to pick which one you were gonna buy the bell rang and it quickly tooked your attention.A boy walked in the guitar aisle as well and started looking and testing some of them;both of you ended up going in the movies and completely forgot that you were gonna buy a guitar.

j a c k
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You were in the mall going to buy your little brother a skateboard.You were picking between the metallica one or the gun's n roses one when a boy quickly gave his opinion and said that the metallica one was a good board.He quickly asked you if you wanted to go out which you gladly answered with a yes.

z a c h
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You were walking down the aisle of baking stuff and you saw the last pancake mix; you grabbed it but someone else did too.You looked up and it was a boy.He kindly gave it to you and asked if he could have your number,which you gave him.

Hey,hi,hello beauty \_(*•*)_/
weird ^

i love yaaa </3

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