45. Sick Embarassing Through My Veins

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The sound of my phone ringing woke me from my slumber making me groan. Who in their right minds calls at 5 am? Reaching over to grab at my ringing phone, I click answer without checking the caller ID

"Hello?" I answer with a yawn and I could hear shuffling on the other end

"Why are you still in bed?" The familiar voice of my best friend Erica rings through the speaker making me roll my eyes

"Maybe because its........"I pull my phone away to check the time and groan seeing it's only 4 in the morning "4 am?"

I could hear shuffling and Ian's voice telling Erica to get back to bed and to put her phone away making her curse and quickly apologize for waking me up before abruptly hanging up and I shook my head before turning my phone off and setting it aside and settled in bed to go back to sleep.

The sun shining through my open curtain woke me up several hours later and I groaned. I laid in bed for a few moments later before checking the time on the clock that sat on the nightstand. 10:00 am. Ugh, only six hours of sleep. Thanks to Erica for waking me up at 4 am. She may be my best friend but I hate her right now. What was she thinking?

Sighing, I sit up and stretch before getting out of bed and padding my way tot he bathroom to take a quick shower. We're going to back to Vancouver tonight and we were all hanging out before we all go our separate ways once again.

I walk into the bathroom and turn the shower on letting it heart up and while that happened I brushed my teeth and did my morning business. As fog filled the room I stripped from my pajamas and jumped in sighing as the hot water hit my tired body.

I grab the two in one bottle and wash my hair before washing my body with the strawberry scented body wash. 30 minutes later, I was wrapping a towel around my body and back into the room I was staying during my time here in Ohio. We were staying at The Blackwell Hotel half an hour away from Chris's home.

Anyway, I looked through my suitcase before picking out an outfit for the day. Since it was mid August, and the weather was relatively warm, I went with a causal look.

 Since it was mid August, and the weather was relatively  warm, I went with a causal look

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A stripped top, dark blue caprice jeans with red flats and a thin gold necklace. Once I had on some casual make up on, I blow dried my hair and ran the brush through my hair before putting it up in a ponytail.

By the time I'm done it's already 11:50, I checked goggle maps to see how far the restaurant was and saw that it was only five minutes away.

Grabbing my purse, phone and key, I walked out of my room and went down the hall to the lobby and out the building and getting in my rented car.

Within minutes I was driving down the streets of Dublin and because of the slight morning traffic, I arrived at the diner 10 minutes later. I groan when I don't see the familiar cars of Ian and Tyler in the parking lot.

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