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"Whoo! It is another beautiful day in National City, and the Girl of Steel is ready to take on the world.
I am here to kick some ass, take some names, and do it all with an endearing smile on my face.
So, bring it on." Kara says as she flies into the DEO building and stood around the table with J'onn, Alex and Winn,"What do you got for me?"

"There is literally nothing for you to do." J'onn says looking at Kara and she scoffs

"Nothing?" She asks and Winn adds his comment

"I challenge you to find an eight-year-old stealing candy."  He says looking at her

"It's like somebody slipped law-abiding serum into the reservoir." Alex says and Kara jumps into action with

"Did somebody do that? Is that illegal? I could stop 'em." She says and J'onn pushes from the table

"We'll let you know if something comes up. Until then, I'll be upstairs checking the budgets." The director of DEO says before walking away leaving the three behind

"I'm gonna go work on that new Lebeckian code breaker." Winn says before he too leaves and then Alex says

"Thursday morning knife practice." Before she leaves Kara alone

"Okay. Uh Well, what am I supposed to do?" She asks with sigh.


The director yells and the actors and extras move away from the set. I went over to change out of my super girl outfit and changed into something more comfortable as the next scene will be me in my apartment baking.

"Hey" a voice says followed by a knock and I looked over to see Chy standing in the doorway with her arms crossed and a smile on her face making the blonde raise a brow

"Hey, what's up?" I asked putting her hair up in a bun and throwing on my glasses since I was already done getting into my outfit

"Not much just wanted to see how you're doing." Chy replied and Jessie raised an eyebrow at her reply but nodded her head none the less

"I'm good. Just exhausted just want to head home and sleep." I said sighing as she left the dressing room with Chy trailing behind her

"Why don't you come over and hang out?" Her onscreen sister asked but I shook my head

"Sorry but I already have plans after we wrap up." She said which in turn made Chy give me a knowing smirk making the me roll my eyes

"You're impossible. Why does everyone think Chris and I are together?" I asked throwing my arms in the air and before Chy could answer, I was called to set and Chy only smiled before waving and walking away.


"Ooh. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh! Fifth time's a charm." Kara exclaims before groaning in frustration when her cake comes out undercooked,"Why can't I do it." She looks up when there's a knock on the door and she walks over to open it while removing the apron she had on

"Hey! What brings you to the rent-controlled side of town?"

"Are you grief-baking?" She asked making Kara reply with a simple word


"Liar." Lena retorts placing her purse down on a stool once she sat down at the island

"Being unemployed is not fun anymore." Kara answers and Lena nods before sitting up and Kara adds on,"Wait, is everything okay?" And Lena stutters

"Yeah. No. Absolutely.Uh,"Lena begins but she can't seem to get her words out and Kara waits for her to continue and with a sigh Lena starts once again, "Today there is this press conference for Spheerical Industries' new unveiling. Whatever they announce is gonna be the next big thing that everyone wants."

"Are they your competition?" Kara questions

"No, um," Lena says,"Their CEO, Jack Spheer and I, we...We used to be close."

"Until when?" Kara asks with a frown

"Just before I moved to National City." Lena states and Kara nods

"Oh, I see. So this This is a, uh, recent closeness.
How long were you two together?" Kara quizzes and Lena sighs

"Romantically, two years. But we had a start-up together for five. Worked out of a garage trying to find a cure for cancer." Lena says with a chuckle," It was a lot of small explosions and good times." She pauses and shakes her head with another chuckle,"He sent me a personal invite to this press conference."

"Are you gonna go?" Kara asks and Lena gives her a small smile 

"Jack's my Kryptonite." She responded and Kara nods in understanding,"But it's just gonna bring up a lot of painful things, and I'm not sure I can relive it.

"But if your good friend Kara came with you" Kara says while standing up and Lena followed behind picking her purse up with Kara walking to the door to grab her coat

"And had my back" Lena agrees opening the door

"it won't be so hard to face him." The blonde says

"Thank you." Lena says stepping out

"Oh, this is so much better than grief-baking." Kara exclaims adding,"And I always have your back."

"You're my favorite." The brunette says with a smile while asking,"So, what's your Kryptonite?"
"Um," Kara doesn't know how to answer that and follows Lena out of her apartment while closing the door behind her.


Once filming finished for the day, I packed up my things and grabbed my car keys before leaving the building waving at the crew while making my way out of to the parking lot where I nearly dropped my things when I saw my ex leaning against the hood of my car.

"Uh, what are you doing here?" I asked him once I was close and unlocked the car making him look up to see me approaching

"Just wanted to see how you're doing" he said and I  nodded

"As you can see, I'm doing good. How about you?" I asked putting my purse inside

"I've been better" was his reply and I nodded,"I actually wanted to see if you wanted to go have dinner with me?"

"Um, I-I," I stuttered making Blake, my ex husband, raise an eye brow

"You don't have to lie you know? You can just say you don't want to" he scoffed

"It's not that Blake. I already have plans for the night" I said and he smiled

"I'm sure whoever you have pans with won't mind if you canceled." He said with a shrug and I was conflicted in one hand I wanted to end things with Blake once and for all so I could move on but in the other, it would be nice to spend time with him again. So with my mind made up and forgetting who I was having dinner with, I nodded my head and Blake smiled.

"I'll meet you at Blue Water Cafe?" He asked and I nodded.

"Sounds good."

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