The start of the graduation duels. Third years vs Everyone.

Start from the beginning

"Tara. It is okay. It was a dream. Only a dream" She could hear Haou reassure inside her head, and the supreme king appeared as spirit form beside her. Tara nodded slightly. She was still catching her breath however.

"Tara!" she could now hear her brother shout, and seconds later, Jaden rushed inside her room, slamming her door open in the process. Tara soon found herself in the warm embrace of her brother. Tears were falling down her cheeks now though.

"Shh Tara it is going to be okay" Jaden reassured "I am here now". Tara nodded slowly and leaned into his chest, while slowly calming down.

"I presume, you two heard it?" Haou questioned slowly.

"Heard it!" Yubel replied and snort. "Felt it, was more like it. Never seen Jaden fly that quickly out of his bed. Their bond is extremely strong". The king just snort at it. Yubel didn't need to tell him that. Yubel and Haou was after all part of that bond.

"I am okay now Jaden" Tara replied slowly and tried getting out of his arms. "It was only a nightmare. So don't need to worry". Jaden sneered angrily.

"It was some heck of a nightmare" he then hissed angrily "I could feel your distress and pain. The only thing I could think on what coming to your rescue".

"I don't believe this was a common nightmare" Yubel then said "I felt it too. I saw it too, and I am sure everyone else here did as well". Tara looked puzzled at him.

"So you all saw the boy and Trueman..?".

".. Who got swallowed up by the darkness?" Jaden then finished for her. Both Yubel and Haou nodded slightly at that. The twins looked stunned at each other.

"A vision" Haou said in a cold tone "Or pre vision..".

"The vessels of darkness, knows instantly something is amiss" Yubel added and looked worriedly out of the window. "Your powers are trying to warn you of events who has happened, or is about to happen. We just need to know if it is a..".

"A vision or pre vision" Haou ended and snort a little. The twins looked rather confused now. Both of them staring at their guardian spirits.

"You make us sound like Sartorius, when he was possessed by the light" Jaden then mused out coldly "We are no damn fortuneteller".

"Of course you aren't. But the gentle darkness rivals the light of destruction" Yubel explained "Sartorius had those fortune abilities before he got infected by the light. The light just amplified them. One of the reasons, he got chosen as host in the first place. You will only get visions, who had something to do with the darkness..".

"Tara will feel them first" Haou added "She is closest to me, and the gentle darkness". Tara bit her lip a little. Just great. If it weren't enough with all this weird powers they were having in the first place.

"It is late you two" Yubel then said "I suggest you go to bed again. We can't do much anyway. Weather it is a prevision or vision, we can't do much, with this little information. Haou and I will keep guard around you and those visions".

"Well true" Tara said slowly "We have exam tomorrow anyway".

"Don't remind me!" Jaden hissed "I am totally not prepared".

Tara rolled her eyes. Jaden could have studied more, than ditching classes. That was for sure. However as usual, Jaden drew out a mattress beside Tara's bed, and stated he was gonna sleep in here. Tara had rolled her eyes again. Of course he were. Sometimes it would be easier for him moving in, since he almost slept here on regular basic. But Jaden was against it. He did miss his room once in a while. Soon however the twins were sleeping peacefully once again.

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