Track 07 - Let's Hit The Road

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Songs mentioned in this chapter:
Eagles - Take It To The Limit
Heart - (Love Me Like Music) I'll Be Your Song

Paul McCartney & Wings - Rock Show
Three Dog Night - Joy To The World

It was mid October when Halo and I packed up my little Volkswagen Beetle (that I'd named Lovely Rita three years ago) to hit the road for Wildfire's first west coast tour. Their album had been released a couple weeks prior and was already getting decent reviews. Their first single was also getting airplay and it always made me smile with pride when I'd hear it. As a combination release party and farewell/good luck, they had another show at the Troubadour where I finally got to meet Mr. Irving.

That's what I called him, Mr. Irving. He'd insisted I not call him Mr. Azoff but simply Irving, but I just couldn't let the Mr. go. Because despite his small stature, he was most definitely a Mister. He seemed to be very fond of Harry though, which made me feel at ease.

"Don't forget your camera!" Halo called to me from her bedroom.

"I've got it," I called back.

I'd almost forgotten it, actually. When I had begun packing my suitcase, I suddenly remembered that it was still in my duffle bag that I'd taken with me to Chula Vista. I'd also forgotten about the film in it. Harry had used the rest of it taking photos at the Holiday Inn, but I had yet to get them developed. I was itching to know what they were, but it was too late now, so I'd have to wait even longer. Grabbing my new roll of film that Harry'd bought to replace what he'd used, I tossed it along with my camera in my tote.

"Aren't you bringing your guitar?" asked Halo when I shut the trunk.

"Oh, yeah!"

Running back to the apartment, I grabbed my most prized possession from my bedroom and headed back down the stairs.

"Let's hit the road!" I cheered when I set my guitar in the back seat.

Halo hooted as she got into the passenger seat and I cranked up Rita. I smiled as the sound of the Eagles played through my speakers.

"Put me on a highway

And show me a sign
And take it to the limit one more time..."

Yes...I took it as a very good sign.

Halo and I arrived in San Francisco just before three when we checked into our motel room. Although Lee and Deacon still weren't crazy about the idea of us tagging along on the road, we'd made a compromise that we would stay in our own rooms and drive my car to and from the venues. They seemed to be cool with that, although Mitch and Harry made it a point to show their disdain.

I'd just gotten out of the shower, my towel wrapped around me when the phone in the room rang. Sitting on my bed, I answered it.

"Hey, you're here!" cheered Harry.

"I'm here!" I echoed, glad I'd told him which motel we were staying in.

"We just wrapped up soundcheck, and I'm back in my room."

"Are you excited?"


"No, you're not!" I corrected. "You're never nervous."

"Gotta say, I kind of am right now."

"Oh. Anything I can do?"

I heard Harry chuckle from deep within his throat. "No, don't think so."

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