Track 06 - No Concern of Yours

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Songs mentioned in this chapter:

Thin Lizzy - Jailbreak

Nazareth - Love Hurts
Cat Stevens - Moonshadow

The week of studio time for Harry and his band turned into two weeks, and then three. I didn't get to see him as often as I'd hoped. He came over a couple times after a long session, but never stayed the night. As the end of the third week neared, I felt myself starting to get restless. I would lie awake at night wondering what it was I was feeling. Despite the fact that we'd slept together, Harry and I hadn't declared what we were. We weren't really a couple, I didn't think. And the more I pondered over it, the more I started feeling like it was exactly what Halo said she and Mitch were. Just sex.

One evening, when both Harry and Mitch had announced they were finally finished with recording, and their debut album was now in the mixing stage, the entire band came over for a night of beer drinking and cards. I don't even remember what game we were playing. Neither my heart nor mind were in it and for some reason I started accusing Harry of cheating. He thought it was funny though, like I was just teasing him. He laughed and came up behind me to tickle my sides, but I quickly pushed him away with my elbows.

"Stop it. Leave me alone."

"What's with you?" he asked, his brows furrowed.

"Nothing!" I spat.

I heard him curse under his breath as he walked past me to the kitchen for another beer.

"Hell yeah, turn that up!" exclaimed Lee as Thin Lizzy started to play through the little radio I kept on the counter.

"Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak..."

Walking by, Harry turned the knob, nodding his head to the beat, his lips puckered. Then he began to mime the guitar chords as Mitch did the same. I watched him for most of the song, my stomach doing a little flip until I quickly looked away and rose from my chair to get myself a beer. Popping off the cap, I took a few swigs, leaning against the fridge. Harry's eyes met mine and he gave me a smile.

"Searchlight on my trail

Tonight's the night all systems fail

Hey you good lookin' female
Come here!"

Harry beckoned me with his finger and his eyebrows raised, but I didn't budge. Instead I took another long drink from my beer and returned to my seat next to Halo.

"Something going on I should know about?" she whispered in my ear.

"Nope. Nothing at all."

Harry continued to stare at me, an easy smirk on his lips. When Deacon announced he was dealing for the next game, Harry took his chair to my right, straddled it and crossed his arms.

"So when's the tour?" inquired Halo when all the cards were dealt.

"You guys are going on tour?" I widened my eyes.

"Damn right we are," said Lee as he high-fived Deacon.

"We're supposed to go on the road in a few weeks," added Mitch. "Starting in San Francisco."

"Ooh, can I come?" Halo ran her hand up Mitch's chest, her face close to his, practically sitting in his lap. I caught Mitch's grin just before Lee piped up again.

"No way."

"What?" Halo looked offended.

"No girls on the road."

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