Track 01 - You Have A Great Collection

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Songs mentioned in this chapter:

Harry Styles - Meet Me In The Hallway
Elton John - Funeral For A Friend/Love Lies Bleeding
T-Rex - Bang A Gong (Get It On)
Fleetwood Mac - Over My Head


My best friend Halo once told me that people come into your life for a reason. They may not stay forever, but your life is forever changed because they touched it. I didn't know if that was true, and I suspected she was quoting one of her many poetry books, but I thought it was a nice idea.

Halo and I had a tiny apartment in Los Angeles, not exactly the best part of town, but it was ours and we were proud. We'd been friends since we were kids, bonding more in our teens over our mutual love for music. One night we went to a club and saw a couple of bands. One of them particularly stood out to me, some up and coming band that had just gotten signed. I'd thought they were great, true musicians with tons of potential, the singer obviously already a well-established front man who resembled Mick Jagger. I'd been excited to meet them after the show, but it wasn't meant to be. Halo had started to feel ill and we had to leave early. I'd since forgotten the name of the band, but I remembered the singer's name. Harry Styles. How perfect is that for a name? Nobody could forget you if your name was Harry Styles. It almost sounds made up, yet no one in their right mind would choose that as a stage name.

Two weeks later, I sat cross-legged on my rug flipping through my record albums when Halo walked in, suggesting we have some friends over. By "friends" I knew that was her way of saying she'd met a guy, but so as not to leave me out, she would invite some other people over too. I shrugged and told her that was fine. Our get togethers usually ended up growing anyway, as long as someone was providing the liquor and someone else provided the pot.

I heard the doorbell ring, but I didn't bother to get up since I knew Halo would answer the door. A few minutes later, I heard her call my name.

"Sky! Our guests are here!"

I stood up, stopping in the doorway. My eyes widened when I saw who stood in the middle of my living room. The band. That band. That Harry Styles guy and the rest of his band.

"Hey," I nervously waved my hand until they all looked at me.

"Hi there, love!" said one of the guys. Drummer I think. Oh great, he's British, I thought. I had a soft spot for British accents.

"Sky, this is Lee, Mitch, Harry and Deacon. Wildfire." Oh yeah. "Everyone, this is Sky."

"Hello, Sky!" they all said in unison. Harry, however, stepped forward and held out his hand.

"Hi, I'm Harry," he greeted. Great, he's British too. And really fucking attractive.

"Nice to meet you," I said casually, shaking his hand.

"Sorry to crash your little soiree, but Mitch here said we could come with."

"Oh, right on," I replied, having no clue what he just said.

Mitch I learned later, the lead guitarist of the band, had somehow run into Halo at some music festival in the park where she'd recognized him from the club. Leave it to Halo.

The evening was filled with drinks, smokes and laughs. I liked all of the guys almost immediately, and eventually some of our other friends and neighbors joined us as well.

A little before midnight, I went to my room to fetch something, probably some more rolling papers, when I heard a knock behind me. Harry stood leaning against my doorway, an easy grin on his face. I'd decided I liked his face. It was kind, yet masculine with a nice combination of angles and curves. And I really liked his smile.

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