Chapter 2

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The lights had just gone out in my room and I was making my way to the bed when a soft knock sounded on the other side of the door. I halted in my steps then turned around and peeked the door open, allowing light from the hallway to flood into the darkness of my room. 

Hazel stood in clothing that was not meant for sleeping. I tilted my head a bit with an eyebrow raised. 

"Are you alright, Hazel?" I hesitated in asking. "I mean, it's past midnight and you're not even in bed yet." I whispered while rubbing the tiredness from an eye. She stepped forward excitedly then grabbed onto my arm. 

"But, Alexia, this is going to be fun. Trust me." She stated with puppy dog eyes. I sighed then stepped to the side to allow her into my room so nobody would catch her in the hallway. 

"Alexia, all I'm saying is that we go out to the city late at night so we can get a taste of all this nightlife. I'm itching to be in the city environment again." She exclaimed. I sighed then nodded since I was curious about the city during nighttime. I wanted to go too, so I agreed to her idea. 

After I changed into clothing that fit the nighttime style, we snuck through the hallways quietly and grabbed one of father's car keys. We then headed to the garage then piled into the car in which I got the keys for. 

It was a sleek black BMW Coupe, with tinted windows and I was already jamming the keys into the ignition before Hazel could even click on the seatbelt. I put the car into drive then slowly pulled out of the garage. 

"Hazel, how about you open those gates, then close them back up once I pass through." I suggested, she unbuckled the seatbelt when got out the car. We swiftly moved and soon enough, we were off the property. 

The city lights soon filled the car through the windshield; I parked the car in the public parking near the beginning of Main Street. We got out, straightened our clothing, then headed down the sidewalk hand-in-hand. 

Hazel stopped on her tracks, causing me to stop as well. She was looking up at a brightly lit sign which lead straight into a nightclub. Part of me wanted to go in, but another part of me didn't. I glanced down the long line of men and women standing, waiting anxiously to get in, so I grimaced at the sight and wanted to leave when Hazel still stood planted in the current spot. 

She turned to me with large eyes. I was silently praying that she just forget the place and hopefully find another nightclub that had been less occupied. I took a step forward but she just stood there but let go of the hold on my hand. I groaned. We had to stay together, no matter what. 

"Please, Alexia, please. The loud music, the dancing, the lights, it all seems like so much fun." She paused then stared right into my eyes with her sparkling green ones. "The energy is calling out to me." She whispered the last part then reached for my hand excitedly. I sighed then nodded. Besides, when was the next time she could get out from behind the castle walls and have someone come with her? 

We walked together for a couple steps towards the back of the line, when a hand rested upon my shoulder. We both turned around in alarm. 

"This way." The security man announced. Hazel and I stared back at him in disbelief but we followed him willingly since it was definitely a way to beat standing in line. 

He walked straight through the partying and approached a door that was written with "VIP ONLY" on the facade. We watched the man knock on the door twice then it opened wide for him and for us to follow right through. 

I froze on my steps and held up an arm stopping Hazel on her tracks. The strongest scent of werewolves have fogged the room and of all the airways. Numerous men stood on their feet from poker tables, the bar, and from conversing with a few female werewolves. 

The door behind us had been shut but I didn't know what else to do. I froze when movement came from the overwhelming werewolf crowd and a tall, intimidating man emerged. His eyes were glued onto my body. 

"I like her." He exclaimed gruffly. I let out a breath, it sounded like a scoff, then rolled my eyes. Who was he to talk to me like that? Why would he ever think that it's a good idea to talk to a woman as if she were one of his properties to own? 

His hand shot out and grabbed onto my forearm roughly. I yanked my arm back and it only fired his soul even more. 

He extended both his arms in a rapid manner then slammed his hands against both mine and Hazel's chest, knocking us to the ground. He stepped forward then lifted the two of us on our feet with his grasps around our necks. 

"Don't disobey me, pet." He spat into my face with the ridiculous nickname he had given me. I turned my face away from his but he let go of my neck, while holding onto Hazel's, and grabbed both my cheeks with his large hand to force me to look into his eyes. 

"Someone deal with her." He shoved Hazel along the side of the wall while his hold was still on my face. Another man caught Hazel and touched her in places where she had never been felt. The anger boiled inside of me so I raised both my hand and placed them onto the man's chest and pushed him back with a force that I didn't know I even had. 

He stood to his full height with a low chuckle. He wiped a hand over his lips then rolled up his sleeves in swift movements. I turned my head for a split second to see Hazel but she stood still, only this time her hands were tied behind her back and she was held in place with the other man. A quick glance at this werewolf VIP room let me know that they enjoyed the free show that had been put on for them. 

"I will make you mine, pretty little vampire." The man in front of me taunted. He had a smirk that made my stomach feel sick. He charged forward but I stood out of the way, just in time, then twirled back so I was behind him then kicked him behind the knee. He fell down and was kneeling on one knee. 

My arm wrapped around his neck in a chokehold, then I pulled back so my hold would be tighter against his airway. He struggled for a bit but bared his fangs in a hasty fashion then did nothing but bit down violently onto my left forearm. 

I screamed in pain then shoved him away. He was laying, on his side, on the floor but he was laughing in an evil attempt. He glanced up at me with a dark look in his eyes. 

"Now you have no choice, my sweet princess. You are forever tied with me, the prince of rogue werewolves. You will be by my side for as long as I rule this kingdom." 

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