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10 years later

"Chris! Where are the kids?" Eva asked her husband, as he leaned in for a kiss.

"Faye and Grace are with Noora and William, they went for a walk, and Peter is still napping. Last time I checked, Evelyn was in the backyard playing with Abbaar and Julian. You can relax for a second, you know."

Eva sighed, leaning into Chris. "I know. I just want everything to be perfect."

"It's your birthday, of course everything's gonna be perfect. I don't even know why you insisted on cooking, Noora was more than happy to do it. I told you I'd help bu—"

"I had to cook. You guys won't let me do anything else!" Chris laughed, flicking Eva's nose.

"Baby, it's your birthday! You aren't supposed to do anything." Eva only rolled her eyes, but Chris saw the smile that she tried to hide, by hiding her face in his chest.

"CHRIS! ARE YOU HERE? STOP FUCKING YOUR WIFE AND COME HUG YOUR SISTER!" Nina yelled, and then they heard the front door slam shut.

Eva sighed, as Peter's loud wailing was heard throughout the house. "OOPS! I DIDN'T KNOW HE WAS SLEEPING." Nina yelled, even louder than the first time. Eva laughed, while Chris only shook his head.

"Go, its fine. I'll get Peter." Chris nodded, giving Eva another quick kiss on the lips.

"Stop yelling, you dweeb. I'm right he—oh, hey Emily!" Emily, Nina's girlfriend, smiled at him, shyly.

Nina hugged her brother, "Sorry for waking up Peter." She whispered in his ear, but he merely shrugged it off.

"Your fine, he was supposed to wake up soon anyway." Nina nodded, stepping away from his embrace.

"So, where's my nieces?" She asked, rubbing her hands together.

"Hiding from you, probably." Emily muttered, and Chris laughed, giving her a hug next.

"I knew I liked you for a reason."

Nina and Emily had gotten married young, the day that Nina had turned eighteen, in fact. Emily was 2 years older than she was. They made a cute couple, and Emily got along with Chris. Not to mention, she made his baby sister incredibly happy. What more could he ask for?


"How's my favorite boy doing?" Eva asked, walking into Peter's room. He was 2 years old, 7 years younger than Faye and Grace, and 3 years younger than Evelyn was.

"Mama!" He squealed, happily, reaching out for her.

Eva smiled, picking him up, out of his crib. "Are you gonna sing to mama tonight, for her birthday?" She asked, but Peter was too busy playing with her necklace. He was a sucker for anything shiny.

"There's my sweet boy! Auntie Nina has come to kidnap him!" Nina exclaimed, walking into the nursery, arms held out for Peter.

Eva laughed, handing her only son off to his crazy aunt. "Hey, Nina. Emily here?"

Nina nodded, hugging Peter. "Yeah, she's in the living room talking with Girl-Chris and Sana." Eva nodded, taking a seat on the rocking chair. "Hey, Eva ... can I ask you something?"


"Do you think that I'd make a good mom?" She asked, not looking at Eva, instead, focusing on Peter, who she had set down and was playing with his toys.

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