Entry #21

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Well, the day runs smoothly than I expected. We had a couple of exercises and activity during the day. Nobody is dead for the mean time, weird that I can’t find it good or not. Then there’s an old fashioned bonfire during the night.

Today, I’ve been marked excellent by our Camp director Slithereen due to my flawless performance. I may have an RHD but I’m not that weak physically, different story for emotional and spiritual. I was even assigned to share the tent with the camp director since nobody really wants to be buddies with me.

The bonfire in the evening wasn’t very pleasant. This is the part of the camp where you just have to socialize with other fellow students. The spotlight was going on circles per student, when it’s your turn it’s either you do your talent, mostly singing, or share a story. I can’t believe what I did there, when it was my turn everybody was looking at me like I’m a new student going to introduce myself. Nervousness is not great for the heart but still I managed it. “Tell us details about you Es,” Mr. Slithereen uttered. Well, I’m more welcome just to tell lies about my data, “I’m Sson (I gave away my nickname since it’s much easier for everybody not using a one letter name about me), I’m seventeen and a bachelor of science and Informational technology (true).” When they came to ask me things further than that I just to trade away some boring response and gladly they went through me without the talent or story or anything remembering.

The thing I was really on focus for today is to whoever the killer will strike next. Void will be executing his/her evil scheme when nobody expects, obviously. At least as the day goes, the only people harmed was those who over stretched themselves over the activities.

Well, this is really quite a day I must say. It’s nice to feel comforting for a while. I’ll be tuning half sad for the night.

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