girls like girls | wanda maximoff

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Title: Girls Like Girls

Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader

Summary:  Y/N struggles with her feelings for Wanda

Warnings: none

Word Count: 1332


Saw your face, heard your name

A quiet laugh sounded from the other end of the room, prompting Y/N to look up over her book for the source. Her heart fluttered when she saw a glorious smile across her best friend, Wanda's face.

She was wearing a burgundy sweater and had wrapped herself in a blanket to avoid the cold as she talked with Natasha. Her cheeks were a faint pink from the air and she was currently resting her chin in her sweater covered hands.

Apparently, whatever they were talking about was rather funny as Wanda kept letting out low chuckles. Her smile was reaching her eyes, something Y/N hadn't seen in a long time. It had been months since a smile that big had graced Wanda's face.

A grin crept across Y/N's face at another one of her giggles. Wanda glanced over at her, making her heart flutter again.  She looked back down at the book resting in her hands flustered and biting her lip.

It had been a week since Y/N had realized that she was in love with Wanda. It became clear when Wanda had insisted on taking her out clubbing. Y/N was very nervous about the atmosphere and the looks she was getting from the men there, but it all faded away when Wanda grabbed her hand.

She pulled her out to the dancefloor and danced with her to make her feel more comfortable. Y/N stayed close to her as she swayed and rocked to the beat, an effortless smile on her face as she did. It wasn't long before Y/N felt comfortable enough to dance as well after watching her.

Her enthusiasm was absolutely contagious as she noticed Y/N finally loosening up. They danced together, Y/N too scared to leave Wanda's side. It didn't matter anyways, there in that moment she could have stayed forever.

And when Wanda looked at her and her stomach filled with butterflies, she knew that the new common occurrence was because she wanted to be more than best friends.

At first, she thought 'It couldn't be,' because she had only ever liked guys. This was the first time she had ever had feelings for a girl before. It was new, but it felt normal, like she's known it all along.

Gotta get with you

A shadow casted over Y/N's book interrupting her thoughts and causing her to look up. The newest recruit, Peter, stood in front of her, "Do you mind?" He asked gesturing to he chair. She shook her head looking over at Wanda again. A small smile was on her face as she watched her. He immediately recognized the look in her eyes -- it was the same way he used to look at Liz, "Do you like her?"

"Huh?" She turned to him, "Do you like her? Wanda?" She nodded, "Of course, she's my best friend." He shook his head, "I meant -- excuse me, but as more than a friend." Her heart stopped. Y/N averted her gaze, instead looking down at her book. "I recognize that look."

"You should tell her. I'm sure she likes you too." She shook her head again, "I couldn't, I could never." Y/N sighed. Her heart must have been beating a thousand miles a minute at the thought, her head racing with emotions because Wanda looked over at her again. Y/N quietly groaned at the sight and ducked her head down to look at the table, "She knows. She has to know."

Peter glanced over at the other girl quickly, "She's not looking anymore." Y/N shut her book and gathered her things, "Thanks, Peter, for trying convince me, but there's no way." She scooted her chair away from the table, "Just think about it, please." His words made her stop. "It'll be so much more worth it if you do. Trust me." He finished and Y/N nodded, "I will."

Girls like girls like boys do, nothing new

Y/N shuffled to her room, thinking about Peter's words. If someone she had only met recently could pick up on her feelings, then Wanda -- a psychic, must have known the second Y/N did. She huffed, carrying her things to her room, wanting nothing more than to just lay down.

She pushed open her door, dropping her jacket and book on her bed. Grabbing a towel, she headed for the bathroom. A nice hot shower and a long nap to sleep it all away.

She turned on the water, letting the heat run over her fingers for a minute before she turned on the shower head. Y/N got in and pulled the curtain closed, grabbing her loofah and her stress relieving eucalyptus soap. She chuckled to herself as she poured it, 'I'm gonna need a lot of this stuff.'

Isn't this why we came?

Wanda pushed open the door to Y/N's room and sat on her bed. She knew Y/N had a crush and she was absolutely determine to find out who. It couldn't be Peter right? The boy was seven years younger than her.

The shower in the bathroom cut off and it wasn't long before Wanda was graced with the sight of her best friend wrapped in a towel in the doorway. "H-Hey, Wanda." She stuttered, rushing to her dresser to find clean clothes. "Hey."

"W-Why are you here?" She asked, pulling out a gray sweatshirt and some shorts. "Well," Wanda began, leaning back on Y/N's bed. "I got a... strong emotion from you earlier."

"Oh, what was it?" Y/N put on a bra before pulling the top over her head. Wanda had seen her undressed before when they had gotten ready for Stark's elaborate parties together. It was almost second nature to dress as normal in front of her company.

"Love." Wanda informed, 'Oh, shit. She knows.' Y/N thought, her eyes widening as she rushed to put on her shorts. "So who is it?"

"Excuse me?" Y/N said, believing she didn't hear her correctly. "Who are you in love with?" Wanda asked again, "I could read your mind, but I trust you enough to tell me."

She had two options: reveal her crush and face the most probable result of rejection or play along with whoever Wanda had in mind. "Who do you think?" Y/N shrugged, going to sit next to her to best friend. Wanda sat up and looked her in the eyes, "Peter."

Y/N scoffed, "God, no way!" They both broke into a fit of giggles at the insinuation. "He's adorable! I'll give him that, but he never stops babbling." Wanda shook her head, a huge grin on her face, "I think its kind of cute."

'Well, I think you're kind of cute.' Y/N thought to herself. At least she thought she had until Wanda's face changed. Her face softened a bit and she realized she had said it aloud. 'Its now or never.' Y/N cleared her throat, "I like you, Wanda."

Tell me if you feel it too

Y/N looked down at her lap, "I think I always have." It was quiet for a moment, just the two of them processing their thoughts. "Why didn't you tell me sooner, Y/N?"

Y/N shook her head, tears threatening to spill from her  eyes, "You don't like me more than a friend--"

"And how do you know that?" Wanda placed a soft hand on Y/N's own, "Why would you like me?" Wanda smiled and lifted up the younger girl's chin, "For starters, you're my best friend-- you're funny, smart," Wanda wiped a tear from Y/N's face, "Beautiful."

"And besides," Wanda leaned in as Y/N closer her eyes. Their lips touched, sending sparks through Y/N's body. She couldn't help the giant grin on her face when Wanda pulled away and shrugged, "Girls like girls like boys do-- nothing new."

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