falcon jr | dad!sam wilson

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Title: Falcon Jr

Pairing: Dad!Sam Wilson x Reader

Summary: Sam teaches his daughter, Y/N, how to use the wings

Warnings: light swearing (like always tbh)

Word Count: 548


"Alright, so you're gonna want to start with a run." Your dad began, securing you into his wings. You nodded with a huge smile on your face, this was it! You had been asking him for years to let you use the wings after you heard your parents talking about what happened in D.C. At first it had been a firm 'no', but as more time passed, you wore him down until you finally convinced him a week ago.

"No sudden movements either, ease into everything. I don't want to have to take you to the hospital and your mom find out about this -- she'd kick both of our asses." He continued, his face stern. "Okay, dad." "Turn around, let me make sure you have your parachute in case something goes wrong." You turned with your back to him as he checked to make sure everything was in place.

"Alright, baby. Start off with slow, smooth movements." You smiled at him as he sighed. Backing out of the way, he watched as you readied yourself. "Here goes nothing." you mumbled, breaking into a run. You neared the edge of the building, "Jump!" he shouted, throwing you off guard. You lost your concentration for a second and ended up going over the side of the building. "Y/N!"

You put all of your force into pushing yourself upwards like you had seen your dad do on the news millions of times. The wings carried you upwards towards the skies and you breathed a sigh of relief.You soar past the building -- the feeling of being up in the air was absolutely amazing. "You just about gave me a damn heart attack!" Your dad shouted, shielding his eyes from the sun. You let out a breathless laugh and he does too. You fly around for a bit, experimenting with your movement.

"A little more to the right, honey." He calls out as you attempt to turn. The wind rushes past you, tickling your skin and blowing back your hair. You take his advice and tilt yourself to the right a bit more. The wings turn you side ways and a joyful laugh escapes you.

You felt so free up in the air like this. You could understand why he liked it so much. The breeze felt so nice on your face, not to mention you probably looked cool as hell.

You curved your body, flying upwards before you continue back down. You sped back your dad, who was filming you on his phone, a gigantic grin on his face. "You're doing great, honey!" He called causing your smile to widen.

You were such a natural at this. You wished your mom could see, but you know she wouldn't be happy with your father if she knew. Part of the agreement of you trying out his wings was that you couldn't tell your mom -- or Uncle Steve -- if you had Dad would be in a shit load of trouble. There was no way you'd let yourself fuck this up.

You flew back towards the ground, slowly coming to the ground towards your dad. He helped you take the wings off slowly, "You did amazing, pumpkin." You beamed, wrapping your arms around your father, "Thank you so much, dad!"

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