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Jesus fucking christ.
That's all I have to say. I honestly, don't know where to begin - she irritates me. I was talking with my friend ( @ // OriginalTrohmosexual ) and she tells me that recently; Bobbie has been going to her table on a daily basis at lunch. Its super annoying actually. 
Whenever my friend asks her to leave, bobbie always takes it as a joke. One time - my friend kept saying " yee" and bobbie just goes " i'll shove my yee up yours. "  Um, what ?? Honey, that makes no sense please just stop. Another time she goes up to my friend and says " let me feel how soft your lips are. " Bitch, stop. Honestly, that's creepy what the hell.
And my friend also told me that another time bobbie said " Wanna taste my tentacles ? " I honestly don't know what's wrong with this bitch, but this is just a mess. Just please.
She got so triggered just because my friend said that pewdiepie was ugly. Not everyone has to have the same opinion. Don't get so butt hurt just because someone said that a certain person isn't attractive.

Bobbie acts like a feminazi.
She claims that she's trans bc her stepdad raped her.
Honey, she never even had a stepdad.
She never has.

Bobbie says " People who die by suicide are better bc they followed their heart. "  👏🏻HON👏🏻EY HOW ?  What does she mean ?

Bobbie & Brenda are both shady and toxic snakes please. I have tolerance for neither one of them. They can evaporate i dont care.

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