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(Warning there are insults towards the LGBT+ community and cursing in this chapter)
-Clara's Pov-
I find myself smiling at the thought of Peter, he was good looking and kind as far as I could tell. Soon I find myself smiling, I couldn't help it! He was just so sweet. I huff and pull up my socks before looking at the box's scatered around my room and sigh "This is going to take awhile." I tell myself picking up the first box and beginning to unpack all my things.

-Ashlynn's Pov-
It started poring down rain while I was waiting for the bus. I had been sitting at the stop for an hour, until I realize that no more buses came tonight. I groan with annoyance, now I would have to pay for a cab. "Dammit." I whisper to myself as I reach in to my pocket for my phone and dial the number for the taxi service. A few moments later a lady answers. "Hello how may I help you?" She asks in a raspy voice "Uh, I need a cab at the post office." I tell her with slight annoyance in voice because it took so long for them to pick up and all my clothes were already drenched from the heavy rain. "Yes ma'am" she says with mockery in her voice "Hey listen lady! I don't have to put up with this crap! I've been having a really shitty day ok?" I yell. After a minute she yells back "Well you can take you're shitty day and attitude on walk then!" I was going to yell some cocky response back when I heard her hang up. "Screw you lady" I said under my breath. I grab both my bags and begin my long walk home. Luckily my suitcases were plastic so none of my stuff would be ruined by the time I got back to my dorm. I also had a new thing on my to do list today, call the taxi company and complain about the asshole who took my phone call.

-Clara's Pov-
I finish unpacking all my stuff in my room, now the only stuff I needed to go in the kitchen but Ashlynn and I hadn't worked out who got what space yet so I would have to wait until she got home. I hear my phone buzz and look over to see the name Peter on the screen. I walk over and unlock my phone to see the message "Want to come to dinner with me?"
"Sure, when?"
"Tonight at 7? If you aren't busy of course."
"7 is good for me"
"Okay I will be at your dorm at 7, see you then."
"Okay, see you then" I answer before putting my phone back on the bedside table. I felt my heart flutter, I was going out to dinner with Peter!! I had less than an hour to get ready so I walk to my closet to look for an outfit. I end up choosing a knee length black shirt and a light green button up blouse. I also walk over and grab a pair of small gold hoop earrings and a gold charm bracelet. Then I walk to the bathroom to get ready, I put my curly red hair in a high pony tail, put on red lipstick and a tiny bit of black mascara and eyeliner. I walk back to my room and grab my favourite black purse, phone , keys and wallet. A few more minutes later I hear a knock and the door so I walk over to answer it.

I open the door to see Peter, dressed in a plaid jacket, white t-shirt, dark blue jeans and black dress shoes. He looked really handsome, I must have zoned out because I hear him say "Hey Clara, are you alright?" "O-oh, yeah I'm fine. You look really nice." "Thanks, so do you. Ready to go?" He asks me. "Yeah" I say before grabbing my purse and locking the door. Peter took me to a restaurant called "The dinner place" it was fancy and the food was amazing. While we were eating me started talking and getting to know each other. We talked about lots of things including our home lives, I learned that he has a very religious family just like me. This made me think of my coming out experience, which lead to another thought. I should probably mention to him that I am bisexual. "Hey Peter, since we are getting to know each other I should probably tell you, I am bisexual. The look on his face really scared me, he looked absolutely disgusted. "So you like women? That is so beyond wrong, you are a disgusting human being and I can't believe I liked you." Peter says to me with a disgusted tone. I felt the tears threatening to fall so I got up and walked out of the restaurant, I didn't even care that it was pouring down rain and it was at least a forty minute walk to the dorm from here. All I knew was I had to get away from him. Nobody that I came out to ever reacted like that before, even my overly religious family was supportive. It hurt so bad and even in the pouring rain I felt the tears fall from my cheeks. I did know one thing for sure though, I was never speaking to Peter again.

A/N: Sorry for the long wait, thanks for the reads and the vote, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Let us know what you think and if you have any feedback.

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