New Friends

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(Warning there are insults towards the LGBT+ community and cursing in this chapter)
Clara started back up the path to her dorm carrying four large and heavy boxes filled with the stuff for her dorm. She had almost dropped them multiple times now and her arms were really tired. She got to the lobby and a boy that looked to be about her age walked up to her. "Need help with those?" The stranger asked Clara. "That would be great thanks" Clara answered. The boy took two of the boxes from Clara and then he said "I'm Peter, what's your name?" "I am Clara" she answered pressing the up button on the elevator. "Nice name" Peter says to her. "Thanks" Clara said before she stepped into the elevator. The ride to the top floor was filled with some friendly banter about what their plan was after college. Peter had told Clara how he wanted to be a neurosurgeon and she told him about how she wanted to be a scientist at NASA. Once they got to Clara's floor Clara said "You could have gotten off at your floor you know." "This is my floor, I live in room 768" Peter told her. "No way! I live in 770" Clara told him. "Well in that case maybe we could hang out sometime" Peter said. "Sounds good" she answered before unlocking the dorm door. "Thanks again for the help" Clara said to Peter. "Anytime, see you around." Peter said before turning towards his dorm. "Wait, let me see your phone and I'll give you my number" Clara said holding out her hand. Peter handed Clara his phone and she added her number into his contacts. "Bye Clara" he said before unlocking his dorm door and walking in. "Bye" Clara whispered before walking into her dorm and closing the door.

-Clara's Pov-
I closed the door and then took my stuff to my room. For some reason all I could think about was Peter. He was an extremely good looking guy. I started to list all of his traits in my head. He was about six feet tall with short, dark brown hair and handsome bright green eyes. He was also fairly well built and muscular. He was wearing faded blue jeans, a green t-shirt and he had on white running shoes. He seemed like a kind and intelligent guy and I really hoped we would become friends or maybe ever a little more.

-Ashlynn's Pov-
I was walking back to the bus stop pulling two large suitcases filled with the rest of my stuff behind me when a guy about my age walks up to me. "Hey beautiful what's your name?" He asks me with a smug look on his face. "I'm Ashlynn" I tell him. "Pretty name for a pretty girl. I'm Dean" the guy tells me. "Nice to meet you, but before you keep hitting on me you should know that I'm lesbian" I say as I continue walking. "Wait your gay? That's gross, your a disgusting human you know that" the guy says to me. I should be used to insults by now but still I feel rage bubble up inside of me and tears fill my eyes. Yet I just keep walking, until the asshole comes up behind me and shoves me. "Don't ignore me dyke" he says with a mocking tone before pinning me to the ground.

After a few minutes of being called things such as dyke, fag, disgusting, filthy animal ect, what looked liked a pair of male legs started toward us. The guy had the word pride tattooed in rainbow letters on his right leg so I assumed he was gay. "Get the hell off of her or I swear I'll kick your sorry ass" the guy said with an angry tone. I couldn't see much of him execpt for his legs at the moment but his legs were very muscular. Within seconds Dean was off of me and he was walking over to the stranger. "How is a fag supposed to beat up a real man?" Dean said with a smug tone. "Like this" the stranger answered before punching Dean in the face multiple times and then kicking him in the groin twice. "Now apologize to this nice girl for the things you just said" The stranger told Dean. "I'm sorry" Dean said with a slight quiver in his voice. "Now get the hell out of here" The stranger told Dean. Dean got up and walked away as fast as he could after two kicks to the groin.

"Are you okay" the stranger asked after helping me up. This was the first time I got a good look at him. He was about an inch taller than me and well built with shaggy blond hair and blue eyes. He was wearing faded blue jeans with holes in the knees, a orange muscle shirt and black work boots.

I must have been lost in thought because after a minute the stranger goes "Hey! You alright?" "Oh, yeah I am fine." I tell him snapping out of my daze.

"Good oh I am James by the way" He said putting out his hand. "Ashlynn" I answered while shaking his hand. "How stupid do you have to be to not notice a lesbian pride tattoo?" James asked me while pointing at my tattoo. "He probably doesn't know what it is." I tell him. "True, so you live around here?" James asks me. "No actually, I am from New Jersey. But I am here for school" I answer. "Oh you go to Maplewood?" James asks me with surprise in his voice. "What'd you think I'm to stupid or something?" I say with an offened tone. "No you just don't look the type for a rich kid school." James says shrugging his shoulders. "I am really not I am here on an art scholarship." "Oh okay you do fit the type for that" he tells me. "Thanks?" "Well I should get home, but we should hang out sometime what's your number?" James asked while getting out his phone. "Okay sounds good, but just to clarify you are gay right?" I ask him. "Yep totally gay, so whats your number?" he says casualy. I tell him my number then we head our separate ways. "I was wrong, apparently I am going to make friends here" I say aloud before sitting down and waiting for the bus.

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