Go Beyond | Midoriya Izuku x Reader

Start from the beginning

In any other situation you would have already used your quirk, Mind Crush, to control your enemy but you were frozen in fear. As his jaws grew closer your eyes screwed shut. 'Izuku...' if he was the last person you thought of, it wasn't a half bad way to go...

"L/n!" a familiar voice called, making your eyes snap open as the villain was kicked away by Tsuyu. She quickly wrapped her tongue around your waist and raised you out of the water, gently resting your body on the ship where Midoriya was as well.

"Y/n!" his eyes widened and he moved to your side as you took large gulps of air. You coughed wetly in-between, hacking up whatever water had managed to slip into your system and your chest burned with the action. "Y/n, are you alright?" Izuku asked softly as he rest a hand on your back, gently soothing you and you managed a nod. Tsuyu soon climbed up the side of the ship to join you with an especially pleased Mineta.

"L/n, you froze..." Asui said bluntly, making you flinch as you kept a hand on your chest.

"These are villains, Asui..." you replied hoarsely. "These are real villains..." your voice shook as you slowly turned to address the frog girl. "You don't really think we can beat them, do you?" 

You weren't ready to handle this kind of threat...Certainly not this soon...

Tsuyu didn't immediately answer and Mineta was quick to agree with you. Izuku rubbed circles on your back and gave you a small smile.

"There's no need to worry, Y/n..." Midoriya started as he quickly surveyed the villains currently in the water. "I think they'd prefer us to be in the water to engage in any form of battle...They haven't made a move on us so it's safe to assume they're either underestimating us or that they're waiting us out..."

"Waiting...us out?" Mineta echoed incredulously and Izuku nodded.

"I...I think we were randomly split up..." he murmured, making the three of you look at him in surprise.


"Think about it..." Izuku turned to Tsuyu. "For a group that's so well informed...They dropped you in a water based environment, Tsu..." Izuku pointed out and she nodded slowly.

"That's right...If they knew that I was a frog then they would have probably thrown me into that fire disaster zone over there..." she glanced to the nearby dome. "If I had been put there, I probably wouldn't survive..."

"But what can we do?" you asked lowly, your grip on the top of your hero costume growing tighter. "Even if we were randomly placed here...How are we going to survive the villains, let alone escape?" you frowned. "With my Mind Crush...I need direct eye contact to control someone...With them all in the water like that..." you trailed off but Izuku quickly grabbed your hand in his, making your eyes widen.

"But if you could get a clear shot on at least one, you'd be able to make him turn on the others and we would have a chance!" he gave you a look brimming with determination and you flushed if only for a moment.

"Y-you have a plan, Izuku?"

He nodded. "I'm gonna get you to those villains, Y/n...This rides on you..."

You gulped, your heart pounding in your chest as his grip on your hand never once wavered. 

Not then. 

Not with Mineta spewing about the plan being doomed to fail.

Not when you both went head first after the villains with his Smash and your Mind Crush.

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