Moron | Bakugou Katsuki x Reader

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Another oneshot comin up ^^ Hopefully this won't be too awful lol

Warning for language because...Well come on...It's Baka-ahem-Bakugou


"Moron..." he muttered lowly as you barely dodged his explosive attack, rolling across the stage as your body kicked up debris. You had the misfortune of being pit against Bakugou in the Sports Festival and despite the match having gone on for more than ten minutes, you'd been making no headway. You coughed, barely scurrying from another searing attack with the heat licking at your ankles.

Thank God he just barely missed.

"I'm still here, Bakagou!" 'What in the hell am I doing?!'  You shrieked and dodged behind some rubble as "King Explosion Murder" went to town on the stage.

"What did you just call me?! I was taking it easy on you, bitch, but now I'm gonna kill you!"

There was some cover due to the smoke and still flying chunks of rock so it gave you a bit of reprieve from the infuriated boy.

"This kid wants to be a hero? With that attitude?" you heard a multitude of murmurs from the crowd, a lot of them very disgruntled with Katsuki while some people questioned your move on egging the boy on. Some even questioned if you had a plan to begin with.

You scoffed.

'Of course I have a plan...A half assed, barely there plan but it's still a plan, dammit!'  you sighed lowly, trying to gather your thoughts. Your quirk was certainly ill suited for this match-up but you supposed this could be a learning experience. Against villains there's no time to worry about bad match-ups.

Your quirk, Overdrive, was a bit of an odd one.  The minute you could make physical contact, the enemy's body would slow to a crawl and they would be virtually unable to move. Their speed would then transfer to you. It was almost like you were leeching the acceleration of their body but it didn't last very long. You had a three minute window at max.

You peeped from behind the debris, after hearing the explosions subside, to see that most of your smoke cover had faded and Bakugou was nowhere to be seen. 'Shit! He's gone?!'  You heard a sudden cracking behind you and you tensed, slowly turning to look over your shoulder. "And there goes the plan..."

"So this is where you were hiding, shitrag." Bakagou's face was twisted with a sadistic grin, his knuckles cracking as his form towered over you. Present Mic was prattling off in the background but the sound faded away as Bakugou's glowing, crackling hand drew nearer to your face. "Any last words?" he grinned but that soon fell as you mirrored his look.

"Yes, actually..." you grinned with bright, determined eyes. "Thank you for never letting your guard down...Overdrive!" you grabbed his wrist as his hand stopped before your face and that was all it took. His red eyes widened, now finding himself barely able to move as you rose to your feet. "I...I will become a hero, you moron!" you yelled, running with your "borrowed" speed to the out of bounds line with Bakugou in tow. You reared back, grabbing his sleeve and ready to toss him out of the ring. He saw and knew exactly what was happening but as he tried to fire an explosion it was too little, too late.

"Bakugou Katsuki is out of bounds!" Midnight declared. "L/n Y/n advances to the next round!" the crowd was in silence before erupting with cheers as you fell back on your behind, your chest heaving from exhaustion.

"UNBELIEVABLE!!" Present Mic's shrill voice screeched. "Who would have guessed an outcome like this?! The unstoppable time bomb from the Hero course, Bakugou Katsuki, defeated by this newcomer from General Studies, L/n Y/n?! No wayyy!"

"What the fuck was that?!" Bakugou demanded, now able to move freely as he stalked over and grabbed your shirt collar. You didn't answer, your vision fading in and out in a swirl of colors as your body rocked with small tremors. "Answer me, you dumb cunt!" you were half sure that there was spittle flying from Bakagou's mouth at this point and you gave a dry chuckle as you finally slipped under. "You damned moron!"


"Ugh...What hit me?" you groaned, slowly coming to as you lay in a small but comfortable cot. Looking at your surroundings you'd wager you had landed yourself in Recovery Girl's office. 

"I hit you, mostly...Fucking nerd..." 

You groaned with barely masked annoyance, dropping your gaze to find none other than Katsuki sitting at your bedside with Recovery Girl checking on your vitals. 

"Good to see you're awake, dear." the old woman cooed, scribbling some notes down with an adorable pen in the shape of a syringe. She was too cute, you mused, but you shook the thoughts away in favor of listening to what she had to say. "It seems that you just overused your quirk a bit, L/n. Your endurance is pretty high but after a while, a quirk like yours can really run you down." she gave you a light warning over the issue and said she'd be back in a moment, leaving you with Bakugou in an awkward silence.

"Why are you even here...?" you frowned, sitting up and propping the pillows behind you as you refused to look at the fiery teen. He scoffed, leaning back on the chair provided.

"I just came to make sure you didn't fucking keel over, you useless shit stain...With a stupid ass quirk like that, it wouldn't surprise me...No wonder you're in General Studies, fucking extra..."

You scowled at him now, your eyes narrowing. "If you only came here to insult me and make sure I wasn't 'dead' ", you emphasized your sarcasm with air quotations, "Then I can assist you by saying I am more than alive, you pompous prick. You can see yourself out then, Bakagou."

The boy tensed at the nickname and you sighed lowly, knowing this meant trouble.

"Don't call me that, moron!" Aaand, there's the trouble...

"You're the only moron here, moron!"

"You wanna go, shitrag?!"

"So I can beat you again!?" you snorted and Katsuki looked ready to actually explode this time. "I've got better things to do!"

"Like what?" he snapped. "Your ass is hauled up in the damn nurse's office, fucking idiot! Just sit down and heal up." he grumbled as he got up from his seat. "Such a waste of my time...Stupid, worthless, fucking Deku...Telling me to come here...Why the fuck did I even bother to come visit such a fucking moron!" he raised his voice at the end, smirking as he heard you shout back at him from the cot. Sliding the door, Bakugou paused, silencing your tirade. "You better not get killed and you better win..." he looked back with an even wider smirk than before. "After all, if you impress people you get switched to the hero course, right moron?"

Your eyes widened, staring at the boy as he left without another word. "As if I'd want to be in the same class as you, Bakagou! And I am not a moron!"

Go Beyond - BnHA x Reader OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt