"Well, we can yes. But I can't be out late cause my mom is going to call the home phone every night." I pointed out to him.

He chuckled "Oh Kellin, you are too innocent." he stood up and extend his hand, to which I gave him my hand. "No, your phone, give me your phone" he laughed.

"Oh" I grabbed it from my back pocket and handed it to him.

"Where's your home phone?" he asked me, I pointed down the hallway. He walked down the hallway and I heard some beeping from the phones, then moments later he came walking back to me. "Now any home call will be redirected to your cell by the second ring."

"Really? Wow"

"Now, you can be out as late as you like" He walked over to me and put his hands on my hips. "So, what do you want to do?" he asked me suggestively, glancing at my lips.

"Watch a movie?" I responded, my voice a bit shaky. Although I wouldn't have minded doing something sexual with Vic, I didn't want to have sex with him just yet. Maybe I was just being sensitive and don't want to go all the way in case he changes his mind about us being together. His hands dropped from my hips and his eyes looked a little disappointed, but he kept the smile on his lips still.

"Okay" He nodded and pecked my lips quickly before sitting on the couch.

I laid beside him and turned on the TV, flipping through the channels until I found something decent to turn on. Which in this case was 'Lion King'. By the time the movie was half over my head way laying in Vic's lap, my eyes were closed but I was still awake. I could hear the quiet buzz from the TV, Vic's hand rested in my head lightly and his thumb brushed my hair. I didn't want to get up, lying here felt too perfect, like I belonged. I could tell the movie had ended but I stayed here. I felt Vic shake my shoulder slightly, thinking I was asleep. I opened my eyes and rolled over to look at him. The light from the TV light up his face in the dark room. He smiled at me widely. He leaned down and kissed my lips, he pulled away too quickly for my liking, so I sat up on my knees and kissed him again, moving my hands to the nap of his neck.

His hands gripped my hips and in one swift motion he moved me so I was straddling him. My hands traced the front of his body. He moved his kisses from my lips, slowly kissing my jaw, until he reached my neck. I moved my hands down slowly to the front of Vic's jeans, lightly palming the growing bulge in his pants. His breathing was getting hot and heavy against my neck, sending shivers throughout my body. Vic grabbed my hand with his and stopped kissing me for a moment, he looked at me - I think, it was kind of dark.

"Are you okay with this?" He questioned me, his hand let go of mine and he moved it behind my back supporting me. I knew he wanted to go all the way so I hesitated, thinking about it too much made me over think but not thinking about it enough made me do things I was unsure about. I took a deep breath before responding.

"Yes. I'm okay with this," I nodded, and now that I thought about it I was eager to continue. "Defiantly okay with this" I reassured him.

"If you change your mind..." he trailed off, his kisses back to my neck and his hand was at the front of my pants, lightly tugging them down "Tell me". Knowing that Vic was this caring about my choices made me realize this was the right one. Vic wouldn't have gone through all the trouble to be with me just to get in my pants, and if he did then hell he deserves it because it isn't easy convincing my mom you're a good person. I let all thoughts leave my head, focusing on the now.

His hand slipped past the now un-done button of my pants, palming me through the thin fabric of my underwear. I went to touch him too, but he grabbed my hand not allowing me too, so I just enjoyed the feeling he was giving me. I could feel myself already getting that pool of pleasure build up inside me, every time he would rub my member slowly I'd let out a soft groan, silently begging for more. His hand stopped altogether and he grabbed the hem of my shirt, lifting it off me in one swift motion, exposing my torso. I wasn't self-conscious about my body, I was a fairly healthy person who exercised regularly, however Vic was muscular. I helped him take off his shirt and I found myself fantasizing over how great his body looked.

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