Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I woke up in a jolt and sat up quickly, my breathing heavy and sweat lightly dripping down my forehead. I caught my breath as I realized it was just a nightmare. I wiped the sweat off my face and laid back down, no dream was worse than my reality, and I suddenly wished I could fall back asleep. But, I knew I wouldn't be able to because my brain was already moving a thousand miles a second, trying to comprehend all of the activities of yesterday. I still wasn't sure what happened really, I know that Oliver thinks I'm in on their business but I most defiantly am not. I wanted to go tell Vic that whatever he just did to undo it, but in all honesty, I was still terrified about how angry he got at me, so I figured I'd give it another day or so, maybe I'll talk to him at school tomorrow.

The second I entered the hallway I could already smell the pancakes my mom was cooking. I mentally groaned to myself, my mom was in a good mood. Not that that's bad, I just most certainly wasn't in a good mood and didn't really want my mom to catch on. So, I took a deep breath and plastered a fake smile across my face as I turned the corner into my kitchen. My mom glanced behind her and shot me a smile.

"I'm making blueberry pancakes, your favorite!" She exclaimed happily before putting a pile of the delicious food right in front of me. It did smell really good, and I felt my stomach growl so I guess I was hungry. Last night when I came home my mom told me to go straight to bed since I was late, and by late she means I came home 3 minutes past 9pm. I didn't care cause yesterday all I wanted to do was sleep off everything but I pretended that she was being unreasonable. So perhaps she's doing all this this morning to try and make up for last night.

"Thanks mom" I smiled at her, she sat across from me and started to dish up her own plate.

"Well, dig in" she chuckled, and so I did.

We made small talk throughout breakfast but I kept my mouth full most of the time to avoid talking too much. So, she did most of the talking. Apparently, there's a new position at her work so she might be getting a raise if she gets promoted, which was why we were having the nice breakfast cause my mom felt very optimistic about it. After breakfast was done I helped my mom clean everything up and went into the living room to do homework.

"I have to go grocery shopping would you like to come?" She asked me, she knew that I usually enjoyed grocery shopping with her, it was kind of fun. However, right now I wanted to be alone. I needed to focus on my Biology home work since I hadn't been getting too much done in class thanks to Vic. So, I turned to her and shook my head.

"No, need to finish this before tomorrow." I told her, she looked a little disappointed but nodded her head in understanding. She would never want me to fall behind in my classes so there's no way she'd try to force me out with her. I guess I did feel a bit guilty though, before moving out here my mom and I did so much together. Mostly because we both hated my dad and being together was a good excuse to get away from him but regardless we always had fun. Now the only time we really see each other is at breakfast and dinner.

She left the house quickly and quietly, locking the door behind her. I went back to my paper work, it took all my mental strength to stay focused on my work. Vic and the acts of yesterday kept creeping into my mind, I had no idea what I was going to do.


Walking into school Monday morning was just as scary as I had imagined. Vic and the gang were waiting around the front doors to the building. I was hoping to avoid him until lunch so I could at least get through my morning classes without being distracted but no such luck. I walked up to the group of guys, making eye contact with Vic, he gave me a disapproving stare.

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