"Did you talk to him?"

"Yeah, he was pretty hungover though," I gulped before continuing, "He said he remembers seeing me at the party, and asked if he'd done anything stupid."

"What?" Briana said through a laugh; she probably couldn't believe it. Just like I couldn't when he'd said the words.

"He doesn't remember a thing," I explained quietly. "'Cause apparently, he got even more wasted after the- the... you know."

I could see Briana nod from the corner of my eye, "Wow. So... he doesn't even know what he's done?"

It hurt to think Dominick had done something wrong. Unrelated to me having a crush on him once upon a time, he's definitely one of the nicest guys I'd met. I knew, I just knew he would have never done something like that if he wasn't shit-faced.

"No," I shook my head, "I told him he acted like a bit of an idiot, but I couldn't tell him he kissed me. I didn't have the heart to do it."

I grimaced at the thought; before that, I was actually angry at him, but when I walked in and saw him literally sleeping on the pay-desk, his sleeves pulled over his knuckles and hair messier than I'd ever seen it, I really didn't have the heart to tell him he ruined something I had with another guy.

Damn, I couldn't even say his name in my mind.

"I reckon you should have," Briana said, pulling me out of my thoughts, "I mean, if I were you-"

"Yeah, and what would I get from it? An apology? Yeah, like that would make Liam forgive me." Yep, it still stung to say his name.

Bri sighed at my stubborn attitude, "Alright then."

I looked at the path before me again, and noticed Briana look at me too. "Do you want to talk about it? Him, I mean."

I shrugged, "I don't know." To be honest, I did want to talk about it. Not talking about it hasn't gotten me anywhere; I just felt worse, keeping it bottled up like that. But then again, I had no idea what I'd tell her anyway.

"You know... you never told me what exactly happened." Good thing Bri knew what was going through my head.

"Nothing much," I lied, "He saw us and left, then I started going after him, and... he didn't want to stop." I decided to leave the majority of our conversation out; I didn't need Briana to know what he really thought of me now. I'd rather have her think it was all my fault.

"Really?" She said, and I could feel what was coming next, "He didn't let you explain?"

"No, he did, but..." But what? What to say now? "He said we shouldn't see each other for a while." For a while. Jesus, not even I believed that.

"Mhm," Briana hummed, though I could tell she had the same thoughts going through her head. "How long is 'for a while'?"

I gulped again, and looked up at the sky. "Forever, possibly."

"I'm sorry." She said after a minute of silence, and I shook my head. The last thing I needed was her feeling sorry for me. "You can always find another boyfriend."

I chuckled, and shook my head again, "No. No one's Liam." I finally lowered my gaze so I was watching the street ahead of us. "I don't want anyone but Liam."

"But he... oh, why am I even trying?" Briana muttered the last part to herself, but I knew she was going to say 'but he doesn't want you'. And it killed me on the inside, because she was right. I couldn't even hate her for trying to open my eyes. I just wanted to keep them closed, at least for a little while.

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