The young witch peeked through the door to see a boy standing there. He had to be around her age. No older than sixteen. Her heart skipped a beat but she ignored the feeling she was unfamiliar with and slammed the door shut locking it at the end.

Her heart was beating fast and her hands were beginning to tingle.

The boy stood there wide eyed as he wondered what happened. But being the persistent person he was, he knocked again.

The witch ignored his knock. She was anxious to open the door.

He knocked again.

She ignored him. She was scared he was here to kill her. Although in her gut, her intuition, she knew that was not the case. He was good and she knew it but couldn't bring herself to believe it.

He knocked again. He knew she was in there. He knew she was scared. He knew he had to be persistent but let the meeting happen in her own pace. When she's ready.

He continued to stand there for ten minutes. He was about to leave when the door opened. The witch looked through. Her hair poking through the crack of the opened door. Her eyes wide with anger, hurt, and curiosity laid upon his glance at her.

To him she was beautiful. A creation of God he only longed to even see while crossing through town on his daily walk to work.

To her he was beautiful. But she didn't know it. She's never felt this feeling before. This feeling of a walk by crush. The feeling of finding someone attractive. She never encountered this situation before. It was new. It was weird. It was wild. She wished she could run to her grandmother to ask what she was feeling. But she couldn't. Yet, she knew she couldn't just ignore this feeling. She had to investigate it. She had to know what was making her feel sick. What was making her feel scared. But also what was making her feel so giddy, loose, and free.

He stared at her. His eyes full of wonder and lust.

She stared back. Her eyes full of anger, and brokenness still, but also with wonder and attraction.

To her surprise she opened the door and stepped aside allowing him to step into her humble home.

He greatly accepted and walked inside.

She showed him to the seating area and they both sat down. He stared at the walls hangings and book shelves.

And she, she continued to stare at him.

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